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Allies POV

I was sleeping, having a dream about Cameron and I's future when I was waken up by short little kisses on my cheek. I fluttered my eyes open to see Cameron laying on top of me.

"Lets say this. I give you 1 hour to get ready and we can go watch the sunrise at the beach, then after that we swim a little, then we go to a super romantic dinner?" Cam whispered softly in my ear while playing with my hair.

"Just one hour hour?" I whined

He just laughed, "babe, we all know that if I gave you longer then we'd miss the sunrise."

"Whatever. Lets go." I said throwing on my bikini, putting my hair in a messy bun, brushing my teeth, and grabbing my sandals

"Have I ever mentioned how perfect you are?" Cameron asked against my neck

"You aren't getting lucky. But just know, I still love you." I said laughing

He just sighed and we walked out of our room. We had to dodge paparazzi and we took some pictures with fans. Cameron and I were sitting at the beach, talking about our lives until I got a text from an unknown number.

Oh Allie, poor, poor girl. You're letting your fame & your famous "boyfriend" get to your head. It won't be like that for long..

The text sent shivers down my spine. The thought of me and Cameron being separated again scares me.

Whoever this is needs to stop. You don't know a thing about me and my boyfriend.

I know more than you think. You're Allie May Brooks, dating the internet famous Cameron Alexander Dallas. You cut yourself because you caught him making out with Madison Elle Beer, singing pop star. Poor girl, you were so innocent. What happened? This tour may or may not come out well. If you find out who I am, you'll be surprised. I'm sorry Allie, this isn't how you expected your life, now was it..

Allies POV
{2 weeks later}

I tossed and turned...
I felt sick...
I threw up... For the third time tonight...

"Baby.. Are you okay?" Cameron asked still half asleep

"Yeah. Just the stomach bug. Nothing to worry about." I said smiling weakly.

"Let's go Allie. We are taking you to the hospital." Cam said grabbing his keys.

I gave in and walked out to the car with him.


"Allie Brooks." The nurse called out.

I stood next to Cameron and grabbed his hand tightly. He squeezed my hand for reassurance while we walked in.

"I'm going to have you step on this scale and we are going to weigh you." The nurse said pointing at the scale thingy.

I stepped on the scale, nervous for what my weight was going to be.

'150 pounds.'

I've gained 5 pounds?

"Alright, come this way." She said leading us into the room.

We got through answering what felt like 1 million questions before she finally left, the doctor replacing her.

"So Allie. It's shown here that you are 20 years old, and you have gained 5 pounds in the past two weeks." The doctor said writing on the clipboard. "Now this may be a strange question for you, but when was the last time you had sexual intercourse?"

"Um-" I said before I was cut off my Cameron

"2 weeks and 4 days."

"Wow, looks like your boyfriend is on top of things." The doctor laughed. "Have you had a missed period lately?"

"I was supposed to start 2 days ago, but sometimes it's irregular." I sighed

"Are you pregnant?" The doctor asked nervously

"I don't have the slightest clue." I said looking down.

"Let's have you take a test and I'll tell you the results when I get them. Okay?" He said handing me 2 pee stick thingies, and another thingy to do more advanced testing.

Judge me I'm new at this and I don't know what the things are called. I'm no professional at this stuff.

I went in the bathroom and took out the first stick.

I did my business all three times and waited for my results. When the sticks were finished I looked at them.

Stick 1: Positive
Stick 2: Negative

I was confused on why it was doing that. My third test was for the doctors to do their testing on.

"Well.. What did the tests say?" Cameron asked with concern in his eyes

"One test was positive, but the other was negative." I said rubbing my temples

We waited for a while until the doctor finally came in.

"Allie." He said looking down at his papers. "You seem to be pregnant."

And that's when I lost it.

"Shhh, baby it's okay." Cameron cooed in my ear "we will be okay."

"I ruined your life Cameron." I said sobbing into his chest

"You didn't ruin it." He said softly

"You're probably going to leave me like all the other guys do." I said sobbing harder.

"Hey." He said picking my chin up. "I would never leave you. We're a family now. Families stick together."

That's when he got down on one knee.

"Allie May Brooks. From the moment I laid eyes on you, I fell in love. And this love will be eternal. I promise to never leave you, and I will care for you and nurture you in any way possible. I also promise that one day, soon, I'll make you my wife." He said pulling out a ring that had a single diamond on top. He slipped the ring on my finger, while crying I smashed my lips into his.

"I love you so much" I whispered against his lips.

"I love you more." He said before kissing me once again, making me fall deeper into his spell.

We Met at DigiFest (Cameron Dallas)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora