Chapter 18

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Eid day.

Eid-ul-fitre was rather a boring one for me. I only had my father who busy sleeping on the Eid day and my maternal uncle's family who I used to meet almost everyday. Every other friend of mine had their own family to celebrate with. I used to get ready and sit in the house all day. Until now.

The massive drawing room of Umair's parent's house is booming with guests and relatives. All of them are adorned in their beautiful designer attires. Everyone is looking fabulous. I'm sitting here, simping on all of them.

The women specially. I swear Eid glowup is real for Muslim women.

"Erum?" I look to the source, from where my name is being called. There stands Umair's mother, in her pastel pink outfit that has cute little flowers embroidered all over it. I realise why pink is her favourite colour. It suits her naturally blushed face so well! 

A few minutes ago, she was looking like a mess. Running around the kitchen, preparing numerous Eid dishes. She pushed out everyone who went in there for help. She insisted she would do these by herself. Her daughter's first Eid with her.

Her daughter being me made me sit around all this time.

Umair said she was fond of children, she still is. But her biological limitations limited her with only one child, Umair. That is why, she opens her heart out whenever a new bride or bridegroom is introduced to the family. Or, a new children or grandchildren is added.

"Ammi." I get up and bow to touch her feet. It is our way of greeting elders. "I didn't get to Salam you that time. You were so busy."

"Hey!" She stops me midway and makes me hug her instead. "Peace be upon you, my child." She draws herself back, to get a good look at me. "Allah may cast away all evil eyes." She concludes.

I smile widely at this. Having no mother around all my life, I did not know how it felt to be a mother's daughter. This very moment I thank my Creator for blessing me with such an amazing mother instead.

"Come. Let's eat." She hugs me sideways as she ushers me towards the dinning room.

"Yeah. Let's go." I smile at her.

I will not cry. I will not cry. No matter how much happy I feel. This time, my celebration of happiness will be different. I will smile instead.

After lunch.

"You know what?" Saying, Ammi gained my attention.

We women were sitting here and there, in the Zenana area. Some are sitting, some are tilting in their best relaxing posture. A few groups were created automatically. Everyone's talking among them. The bombarding sound of laughter and arguments could be heard from the outer portion of the house where all men were sitting.

I was not used to such homely environment. Abundant family members. Everyone ready to support you. Everyone ready to talk you through your problems. You can just go to their house and stay if might. One or another, you can find a support for you.

I was engulfing myself in the new richness of a lavish family. None of the adjectives were depicting the worldly way. Rather, it said the rich are those who has a supportive family.

"Yes?" I turned to Ammi.

"The day of your marriage you were missing that redness of a new bride. You seemed rather pale. But today, I can see it. The glow, the redness, the contented smile. I can feel it all in my heart." She brushes one of my cheeks with her palm, in a way of secretly blessing.

"That's because-" I thought for a moment. If I should keep the revelation waiting for the crowd to lessen, just as Umair suggested or disclose the amazeballs right now.

If I'm being honest, I don't trust Ammi with her reaction. She's one excited person, rather a golden retriever in human form.

"Because?" She tries to precede.

"Um-" I suck both my lips between my teeth inside. Lowering my voice, I earn her, "Please, don't scream out your excitement."

"Okay-" She got visibly excited.

"I'm pregnant."

"Yes!" She shrieks. "I knew it. I knew it. Thank you, Erum. My child, thank you so much." She squeals as she hugs me and relieves me repeatedly, at loss of what she should do or should not. My eyes swelling with happy tears.

Everyone's attention turned to us. They are observing our happy crying. I'm sure they are debating whether or not to intervene.

Alayna, her cousins daughter finally asks, "What happened, Khalamoni?"

("Khalamoni" means Aunt)

"I am going to be a grandmother, Alayna. You have niece or nephew coming!" She screeches again. This time many more voices join her.

I sat there, enjoying the sudden commotion. Elderly ones came rushing to either congratulate me or bless me tremendously. Younger ones rejoiced among them.


The voice of the Muezzin can be heard from a distant, he is calling for a Fajr prayer. Many more voices echoed heftsoon from different mosques.

The woman who lies peacefully sleeping in my arm is the same woman I couldn't think of living with just a year ago.

This beautiful of a woman made me rethink my life. Made me redo my priority list. She introduced me to my Creator.

Years ago, when I told her there might be a reason for which we were brought together, I was right.

Ya Ar-Rahman! I cannot thank you enough for the enormous blessings you've rained down on my hands.

I gently brush Erum's slightly swelling abdomen as I think to myself.

There it is. Our child. Our life. A much more steady string bind us together.

Erum already has everything planned.

A smile creeps on as her thoughts flood my mind.

She says she will love the child to the moon and back. The love she has in store, the same one she couldn't receive from her mother.

She's already thinking of having another child. Her strategy is to spoil all my children with her love. I can foresee quite well.

I will have to be strict then. Someone has to be unbending. Otherwise, who might regulate their disciplines strictly? 

My smile widens at the thought of our house being full with the laughter of our children. I wish to present her with a happy family she couldn't ever have.

I smile even more. I can foresee both of their parents spoiling them with unconditional love and affection.

Instinctively, I press a kiss on Erum's forehead and let it linger there more than usual.

"Erum?" I call her gently. She has a bad habit of jump-scaring her sleep off.

I massage my fingers on her scalp while I call her again, "Erum?"

She stirs this time. Humming, she stretches her hands.

"Wake up. Its time for Fajr."

That day I had asked her what is forever for her.

It is what means forever to me.

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