Chapter 5

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A quick Author's note: Really recommend to hear the song above. Some may have guessed it by now, it is a Bangla song. You can Google a translated version anyways. The singer is one of my favourites and the song is too. Its lyrics goes well with the emotions building inside Umair's heart. Hope you give this song a try and so to this book.

This woman!

She will surely be the death of me!

Why is she now avoiding me? Is she upset about the incident four days back? May be she is.

Its all my fault. If I were not such an idiot to rush things, everything would have been normal between us. Like the way it was, friendly.

Friendly? But I didn't want it to be just friendly anymore. She had no idea what I intended to do to her while I-

No. No rushing. Never again.

Erum. Sweet as the way her name tastes on my tongue. She proved me wrong. In every effing way possible. For the first time ever, I guessed a person wrong.

Whom I took to be greedy and bratty opportunist, was anything but that.

And who do I blame? My past experience was never a pleasant one. Whom I wanted with my heart and soul, was using me for my money. It was late when I understood. But they say better late than never, right. She was soon erased from my life but it left me with a scar. I couldn't trust anymore.

They say women have trust issues more often. I strongly disagree.

Devils don't come in any particular gender.

When I first heard of my proposal being fixed, blood rushed to my head. I couldn't even trust those I knew. Suddenly how could I trust an outsider?

She proved me wrong, turning my world upside down. She could've took those mere couple thousand takas. Like hell, I wasn't even giving it to her. The delivery boy conned me. But I cannot thank him enough. If were not for him, I could've never seen that side of her. She not only denied my money, she went to the height of making sure she's not in debt.

That day, I couldn't resist my urge to ask her face to face, why did she do it. I knew her office's address. Before I realised, I was rushing to her office to ask her a stupid question. I could've asked it later, when she'd come back home.

Home? Does she call it a home? Well, I never gave her a reason to.

I did not realise my wrong assumptions can make someone else's life miserable, until now. Here I was blaming my current mindset on my past, all the while being another example of a devil person to her.

I don't know the pang of jealousy that course through me watching her laugh with that man. I never felt that way. It was like someone stole my candy from me.

She on the other hand denied any financial or emotional dependency. My world was spinning when she said those words.

Is this woman real? What did I do to deserve her?

Her bold personality pulled me in like a magnet.

That is when I actually looked at her. Her not-so-petit form reaching my shoulder. Perfect for me to hug her, her head pressed to my chest and me smelling her hair. May be occasional forehead kisses.

Hair. Jet black waterfall of fluffy hair cascading down the arch of her back. The darkness of her hair contrasting her pale dark toned skin perfectly. Not to mention, when she wears a Shari she looks like a pure angel descending from the heaven.

She indeed was made in heaven.

Oh boy, the way Shari drapes over her body. Accentuates every right curve.

When I first saw her wearing a Shari, I hated the fact she was wearing it for the office. My hands were itching to grab her by her waist and pull her against my chest, hard. Day and night, the thought of having my ways with her was eating me up.

She invaded my senses so bad that I started ignoring her. I found it easier to avoid her than accepting the truth. I left when she was fast asleep and came back in midnight.

I knew she couldn't care less if I ignore her or not. But I couldn't face her until I sorted my feelings out.

After much thought, I realised there's other men out there who would oh-so-willingly win her heart if I don't act up quick.

Ya Ar-Rahman! You have blessed me to be with her once. I might not get this opportunity twice.

This mere thought made my sleeps evaporate. Now I couldn't care less if I get rejected or not. Trying is everything.

It was not any rocket science to figure out she wanted out of this marriage. So did I, until I got to see her. Her true self. So pure so honest. No sign of any facade. If you have eyes, you can even see inside her soul; her eyes are that much expressive.

When I took her to the riverside, I expected her to somewhat like that place. Because she gives off that kind of vibe, someone delicate at heart yet strong at the same time. Never did I imagine she'd love that place so much. The gleam in her eyes, her pearl white smile, the way she looked at the scenario, the way she inhaled, I was taking it all inside me.

I knew she liked the song I chose, the moment she looked up at the sky. Taking every line in, she looked like she was mesmerized.

I was rather mesmerized. Unknowingly, she had me wrapped around the knot of the drape of her Shari.

My heart deceived me and went at her mercy.

She made me want to caress her, love her, protect her, treasure her. And the need to do so is going to utterly destroy me, I can say. But I'd rather be destroyed for her than lose her.

I could do thousand things to make her squirm for me if she said yes. But I dare not scare her away from me. I'll wait for her. Wait until she's ready to accept me.

There's more to love than just sex.

Till then I need to get this energy out and so I started working out more often. I worked all of my pent up energy for a better health.

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