Chapter 6

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Author's note: Here's another great song recommended for you guys. The song added up above is not connected to the story. But I really love this song. Anyways, happy reading 😌💤💤.

I was mad at him. So very mad!

He was ignoring me, again? How could he? Mere weeks ago he asked for a chance and now he's ignoring me for goodness's sake the second time.

After that incident four days ago, he buried himself behind those bloody gym equipment of his.

I know I was scared for a while. When we reached back home, I was anticipating a lot. What? I don't know. The ride back home was also awkward. Biding him night, I went straight into my room.

I don't know why I became willing to kiss him back. Just weeks ago he was avoiding me like plague. And one day, no actually overnight, he was attracted to me. I sure was curious to what his mouth would taste like or how he'd capture my senses. Or Would it be great?

When we came back, I felt embarrassed. Embarrassed for giving in so easily.

I rested my back on the door as I closed it behind me. Closing my eyes I could only see his face. His face, with that signature smirk of his, staring back at me with longing. What the hell is happening? These days I'm sounding more like a love-sick teenager.

And that is not a good sign. I need to watch him carefully. My hormones can wait. There's no way he suddenly wanted to play house with me when just moments before he couldn't care less if I lived or died.

I never wanted any relationship built on distrust and lies. And none confesses he's lying. That is the whole reason, I stayed out of the nuisance of a love affair. This marriage was inevitable. But that doesn't change my mind. I still can walk out of it or stay in it if I want.

I just need proper reasoning.

So I need to act with brain and find the truth. I have to find it before I'm left with a broken heart and of course penniless. This days we can trust nobody.

Him being such a handsome and on a side note very caring these days, isn't helping my mind to work efficiently. I was never after looks. I even swore I'll never be. What happened to that!

Oh! Ya Ar-Rahim! Help me out. Show me the right path.


I was reaching for the jar of stocked coriander powder, on the upper shelf. The smaller version of the same jar placed near the gas stove, needs to be refilled.

I suddenly felt a presence. Warm breath tickling on my bare neck, for my hair was tied up in a ponytail.

I knew it the moment, who it was. Umair.

My breath quickening. Anticipation of what he might intend on doing, hitching my breaths.

I stood still. For him to move farther, or closer.

I felt a hand rest on my right side of the granite counter. Heat could be felt creeping on my neck at the thought this mere position gave. I was extrapolating what his other hand was up to.

He proved me wrong.

As his left hand reached the same shelf. Slightly brushing against my knuckles that was frozen on the jar, he grabbed another jar.

And retreated?

Phased, I looked up at the shelves. He did this much drama for only cashews!

I let out a frustrated hmph. Loud enough for me and my pride to not be shattered. He was in the dinning space, too far away to listen.

I was getting desperate day by day. And that was going to drag me deeper for my liking.

Nodding in disbelief, I continued with the task in my hand.

Later that evening. My mood was foul than ever.

I groaned as Umair did nothing to attend the door and do something to stop that damned calling bell that is ringing again and again.

I got up from my bed and marched down the hallway to the main door. Noticing Umair was sitting on the sofa, nearer to the door than me, irritated me most.

Glaring his way, only for him to not even notice and to have his neck down his laptop screen, I opened the door. 

"Madam, service charge." The boy in his twentys answered. He had short buzzed hair, neatly pressed checkered half shirt made his appearance gentle-boy like. He indeed was very gentle and timid in nature.

He was a service charge collector. He were to go door to door of this apartment building and collect necessary charges for its maintenance.

"Wait a minute." Saying I shut the door subtly behind me. Do not want to left the door unattended to a stranger.

I walked up to Umair. It was his turn to pay. Last month I did. And we decided on this continuous cycle of splitting our bills and paying it together.

"Tarek is here, to collect service charge." I tell him, wanting him to go and pay.

"Can you please take it from my money-bag?" His eyes were still glued to the screen.

"Where's your money-bag?"

"I don't know."


I felt frustrated at him. Not to mention the pressure I felt when the thought of searching for his purse, taking more time than required and have the boy waiting at the door was pumping my anxiety. 

I fumbled by his drawers.

"I can't find it!" I retrieve back to where Umair was. I was getting  hyped up.

He finally looks up. Finally. And pivot his eyes around him. "There it is." He motioned towards the table beside him and went back to whatever he was doing.

He had it beside him all along and worked me up. I can't believe him!

Frowning I tried to reach for it. He was in between the table and me. For his crossed legs placed on the center table in front of him and his laptop on his lap, baffled me.

There was no way for me to reach it. Either he is to hand it over or move his damned legs.

"Umair!" Disappointed, I call him out.

"Please, grab it yourself Erum. That'll break my mood." He said, typing away.

Oh? And what are you doing exactly? Writing how to pick a lemon and make lemonade out of it? Or, was it life throwing a lemonade?

Rolling my eyes, I hover over him trying to grab his purse.

At the same time, he decided it was time he helped me. By lowering the lid of his laptop, of course!. While doing so, his fingers brushed the skin of my rib-cage  over the fabric of my dress.

I jumped at that, grabbing the purse in the meantime.

His eyes snapped to me. He was opening his mouth to apologise when I clutched the bag in my hand and turn away on a whim.

I was too bothered to face him now. His fingers touched dangerously near my assets. I sure would be doomed if I waited there for the inescapable outcome. 

There was only one thing at my hand now. Paying the bill. Nothing else.

Pay the bill. Pay the bill. I caroled in my mind as I practically ran off.

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