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Umair rose from his praying mat. Rubbed both his palms up and down his face. Mumbled forgiveness from Allah, he sought, as he went to stand by the window.

Two years. Two years since Erum has left him with their daughter by her side. Her demise affected nothing in Allah's world. Everything is going as per His decision.

Erum is still wrapped around him, Umair knows certainly, how an exotic aroma wraps around an expensive silk satin.

Umair, however, forgot how to live for himself. Giving up on life, he dedicated his life on the path of Allah. He swore to invest his life for those children whom their parents rejected or worse, left on the streets.

He still remembers the day. Three days after Erum's accident. He was sitting on a roadside tea-stall. Cloths ragged. Heavy stubble covering jawline. Hair mussed up. Bones starting to show through her dirty brown skin. He could not tell when was the last time he ate anything.

Rumpled t-shirt and untidy shoes, every passers by was thinking he was some scruffy boozer.

Dried tears made his eye-bags look more swollen. His dreary and downcast eyes showed he was past being ruined and passé.

A small boy approached him. Shook him by his shoulder. Upon getting no response, the boy thought he was so hungry that he couldn't even talk.

That small street boy, Edris, knew what was hunger. He has had many nights when he had to suppress three, even four day's hunger and sleep drinking only water for the day. He couldn't do anything. His mother has left him when he was only two. His drunkard father lived on his son's income. There were days when Edris had to fill his stomach with his father's beating because Edris hadn't earned enough money for his booze.

Edris placed the banana he has bought for breakfast on Umair's hands. Those hands were resting on Umair's lap, palms upwards. As if something precious has slipped from those and Umair was desperately seeking answers looking into the nothingness.

"What happened to you?" Edris asked him. "Eat this. You'll get strength."

Umair looked from the banana placed on his hands to the little boy. Tanned skin and glowing sweats, under the scorching summer sun he was shirtless. A gruff pant hanging from his torso. Ten to twelve years, he assumed, already forming triceps on his skinny hands were evidence that he was a hard worker. This boy's appearance matched any street boy across the country.

Umair raised his right hand to cup this boy's hunger stricken face. The sympathy his eyes hold, were moisturizing Umair's.

Umair lowered his head on the boy's shoulder and for the first time in three days he burst out crying. His screams affected no one around them. As if it were a everyday scenario they pass by. They all took this duo for any other imbecilic Hayward they stumble across everyday.

Umair wailed and sobbed until he had hiccups and were out of breath.

Edris wrapped his small hands around Umair's neck and patted his back. "I know what is it like to go famished all day. My father even beat me one day when I was starving for three days straight." Edris cooed him as he smoothed his small hand down his broad back.

Umair kept crying. For the first time in three days he has realised Erum was gone, far away from him.

He raised his head from Edris's shoulder. Through blurry eyes he watched as Edris wiped his tears away. His small malnutritioned hands barely covering Umair's cheeks. But the ruth and lenity he had, Umair could feel in his heart. His tears pooled again as the boy kept on saying anything and everything to calm him down.

That day he actualized what Allah has written for him will happen anyways. If He can bless someone enomorously, He surely can snatch that away whenever He wishes. And likewise.

He took Edris's hands and brought him back in his home that day; his and Erum's home.

By that time Edris has spilled his life history to Umair. How he escaped his father and was now living on his own, like an independent man should be, he said. From then on, till this date Edris is staying in this home.

Umair immediately admitted Edris to a school next day. Here in Bangladesh no one would've cared if he had adopted Edris or not. But Umair wanted everything legally. He legally adopted Edris six months later.

Edris was an extremely intelligent boy. His late school year could do nothing to stop him from vying his other classmates. Day by day Umair is getting hopeful of his bright future.

Umair's parents tried everything under their sleeves to pursue him for a second marriage, or to settle him down. He denied everything.

They may have forgotten Erum, this world may not remember her anymore. But he couldn't let her evaporate from his life.

Every cell of his body remembers her, his Erum. And now each and every day he waits, patiently waits for the day to come. For the day to come when he'll have all his duties fulfilled. By then, if Allah wills, he will have his portmanteau ready to leave.

Erum, can you come to my dreams today please? I miss you.

Umair thought as he stared outside the window. His tears has dried many years ago. But his heart never forgot the pain.

Each day every hour, his heart reminds him. You're hurt, immensely, but you can't cry anymore.

There's one regret still weighing in Umair's heart.

While loving her unconditionally, he forgot to tell her how much she signified her place in his life.

He forgot to tell her that he loves her.

He wishes, one day, to reunite with his Erum and their child in heaven.

And he patiently waits for that day.

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