'That's not the only big news we've got' said Amy.

'Go on' said Kevin.

'I've been asked to go to Qatar by the BBC to present some of the football games. Obviously I was working with BBC Scotland, so they saw me there and thought a random Scottish lassie with a second name like Grealish might do a decent job'

'Wait, so you're going to be working in Qatar for the world cup when you're pregnant?' Asked Lorna, who clearly didn't think it was a good idea.

'It's all checked out and I'll be safe to fly, don't worry. The only issue is Jack really, he still needs to get himself selected for the England team otherwise it'll be him watching me on the tv and not the other way around' she said sticking her tongue out at him.

'No pressure there Jack then' laughed Chilly.

'None whatsoever' laughed Jack.

'How's the wedding plans going?' Keira asked Chilly and Laura.

'The date is booked for July next year, we're going for the works, so none of you are invited' Chilly laughed

'Ben, stop talking rubbish, of course you're all invited' said Laura, nudging him under the table.

'Oooh Ben' laughed Jack. 'Is that what she calls you when you're in trouble?'

'Yeah, just remember to take your pill when you go on honeymoon or this is what happens' Amy whispered to Laura.

March 2023

The baby was now officially overdue. Amy drew yet another Red Cross on the calendar to remind herself that the tonne weight she was carrying inside her uterus still hadn't emerged yet. When the midwife had cheerfully reminded her the day before that babies can come up to two weeks after the lot due date, Amy had never wanted to punch someone so much in her whole life. She was so grateful that they were going to have a baby, but at the same time she'd had enough of pregnancy.

Jack had wanted to stay home from training just in case but she'd made him go, the last thing she wanted was him fussing around her like he had been the last few weeks. She couldn't even go for a pee without him asking if she was okay. She just wanted to go for a long bath, watch crap tv, eat chocolate and feel sorry for herself on her own for a bit.

The baby gave her a sharp kick as she walked towards the bathroom. She rubbed her belly and spoke to him. 'I've told you, the football training starts after you can walk wee man' she laughed. Her and Jack were already 'debating' if he'd play for Celtic or Villa. She'd told Jack that if she was giving birth to him, she was deciding. Celtic it was.

She waddled through to the bathroom and turned the taps on, pouring half a bottle of radox in because apparently it contained Clary Sage which she'd read could help induce labour. She did a few a few squats and lunges as the bath filled, she would try almost anything to start labour now. She could only imagine how she looked doing it with her massive belly. That wasn't the worst of it though, she now also had the biggest nipples she'd ever seen, and they kept firing milk at Jack in bed.

The bath full, she sank in and turned the TV on. What could she watch? Free Willy felt the most appropriate, but she settled on Step Brothers. She'd also read laughing released endorphins to help Labour.

The open credits hadn't even finished when Jack called to check in.

'I just got to training and wanted to make sure if everything is still okay?' he asked.

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