Chapter 45

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Amy sat in the library with her flat mate Lucy. They were supposed to be starting their dissertations, but Amy was glued to her social media accounts. Since Love Island and everyone finding out about her and Jack, she'd gained a massive following. It meant that she made a lot of money doing simple promoted posts, but it also meant that she received a lot of online abuse too. It could be about anything- her hair, her outfit, the way she was posed or especially if she were with Jack. Today however the hot topic was her appearance on Scotsport.

Whilst everyone who she actually knew thought she'd been great, especially Jack and her friends in the Celtic team, there was so much trolling of her online that it was ridiculous.

'She only got that job because she's riding Grealish'

'Stick to what you know- nothing'

'Maybe wear the bikini next time. Might make you more interesting'

It wasn't all bad, but those comments were hard to ignore. She'd been through this enough times to know that she couldn't let it get her down, one message in particular caught her eye:

@AlexScott 'Don't listen to them Amy, I thought you were great. A woman going into football commentary isn't an easy move to make, but stick at it'

Amy slammed the lid of her laptop down, rather louder than she'd planned.

'Do you want to come to the Union? You look like you could use a drink' suggested Lucy.

'You know I can't drink, but yeah. Let's ditch this library and have some OJ! Wooohoooo!' Amy laughed, shoving her stuff in her bag as fast as she could.

'Shhh!' Shouted the librarian, as the girls ran from the library laughing.

Jack's first ever first-team start didn't exactly go as he'd planned. The pressure on his shoulders has been huge and he knew he'd let it get to him. The volume of the Spurs supporters hadn't helped him much either. They'd got inside his head far too much. He'd been desperate to get a goal or an assist and yet it had ended 1-0 to Spurs.

'You coming out tonight Jack?' asked Raheem.

'I dunno, I was just going to head home'

'You'd rather go back empty house than out with us? Mate, I'm offended' Raheem laughed. 'Everyone's going, so stop with the excuses'

'Alright, alright' said Jack, holding his hands up to show he'd given in. What was the worst that could happen?


'This place is pretty decent' Jack said to Raheem. The drinks were going down well and he was feeling chilled. Going out with Raheem and the guys had definitely been the right decision after all.

'Told you mate!'

'Shots!' Shouted Phil, bringing a tray over to the table.

'To the City boys!' toasted Phil.

'City boys' chorused everyone.

Jack downed his drink and then felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned around and couldn't believe his eyes.

'Hi Jack. Remember me?' Jack was face to face with Sarah.

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