Chapter 25

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11th July 2021
It's the Final!!
(of the Euro's, not Jack & Amy's story)

'You weren't joking about the traffic' Amy said to the taxi driver, who was going as fast as he could, taking every back route and possible short cut that he could.

'I think this is the best I can do' he said finally stopping outside a tube station. 'Take the metropolitan line to Wembley Park and you'll see the arch straight away. If you run I think you'll make it'

Amy went to pay and he shook his head 'zero charge, now go!'

'Thank you!' The girls chorused loudly, jumping out the taxi.

'This is going to be insane' said Laura, pointing to the stream of England shirts that were still pouring into the station.

'But then so are we' laughed Amy. ''Link arms and don't let go. We need to be more 'London' and push our way through'

'Let's do this!' Said Laura.

10 minutes later they were still on the platform. The two trains that had passed the stadium were packed.

'We're going to get there' groaned Amy.


Jack had obviously played at Wembley before, but today was nothing like he'd ever experienced before- Wembley or otherwise. The crowed had thundered as the team ran out of the tunnel and on to the pitch to warm up. The fans had truly turned out to show their support, and whilst he felt a little bad for the Italians whose fan contingent was a tiny fraction of the England support, he was here to beat them, not empathise.

The chants from the crowd grew ever louder as even more people took their seats. Their singing of 'It's Coming Home' even managed to drown out the DJ whose music was pumping out of the PA system. The team could see that there were a few scuffles in the crowd as the fans reached fever pitch. The increase in singing, foot stamping, banging, was sending their adrenaline levels soaring, but there was no Amy to be seen. He could see the rest of his family, but the empty seat next to them was the one that he was focusing on, and trying to ignore in equal measures. Whilst he desperately wanted her there, he knew if she wasn't then he would just need to carry on regardless, but the not knowing was torture. As always, phones were switched off and put away the minute they entered the dressing room, which meant he had no idea if she'd got the tickets. All he could do was hope.

Gareth had also noticed the empty seat next to the Grealish's and Jack's wistful looks towards them. After Jack's pleading earlier, he really hoped she'd come for him, but Amy was the least of his worries right now. It was time to go back into the dressing room for their final team talk, and then they'd to take to the pitch for show time.

If Gareth's team talks had been emotional before, this one blew them all out of the water. He made no bones about what was on the line, and the task that lay ahead of them. This was it. They all huddled together, then Gareth shouted 'let's go'.
Jack and the rest of the subs took their place on the bench, whilst the starting players lined up on the pitch. Their facial expressions showed the spectrum of emotions that they were feeling; nerves, fear, anticipation, energy, excitement and more. It was a rollercoaster.

'Please be standing for the national anthem of England' the voice over boomed the PA. the stands shook as the fans stood up. Keira looked over her shoulder towards the entrance. She hadn't heard from Amy either, she just had to have faith that she'd be there.

'I cant believe we got here right now, talk about a red face' giggled Laura, looking at all the disapproving faces of the people around them for arriving during God Save The Queen. They attempted to make their way down the steps towards Jack's family without drawing too much attention to themselves but just at that moment the camera panned across the teams families, catching them midway. Jack had to smile when he saw her face smile awkwardly on the big screen, as she made her way to her seat. That was one way to let him know she'd arrived.

It's Coming HomeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon