Chapter 7

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'Good morning everyone' Gareth called to the assembled players. 'I don't think I need to tell you how important every game in this competition is. Every win is one step closer to us bringing that Euro trophy home for the first time ever, and ending 55 years of hurt since 1966. What I'm looking for from you is passion, drive and your 110% concentration. I want you to give every game the same level of commitment as you would the final. Now let's get on with the warm up'

Jack could hear the clicks from the cameras of the assembled press as they began their warm up stretches. He gave them a cheeky smile and the clicks intensified. He loved the attention he was getting at the moment from fans, pundits and the English press, but the only persons praise his wanted was Gareth's, but more than that he desperately wanted the opportunity to score for England. In front of Amy.

Jack shook his head, he just couldn't shake the thoughts of her. Truthfully he never could before but now he'd seen her again it was worse. It felt like every time he closed his eyes he saw her. He could only imagine what it was like for Amy in the villa with cameras on her 24/7. It was so unlike her to want to be in the centre of attention. That was one of the reasons that very few people knew that her and Jack had ever been together in the first place, and he'd loved that about her. He knew that she'd liked him for him, not just the attention that went along with him. Not like some other girls did.

'Jack, are you with us today?' Shouted Gareth, and Jack realised he was in a total daydream.

'Sorry Gaffer'

'Good. I hope you've not been staying up late texting women again' Gareth half joked, referring to an incident when he coached him in the under 21 squad.

'Yeah Jack, this is the Euro's not Love Island' joked Chilly, trying to ruffle his hair.

'Very funny' said Jack, adjusting his hair band. Neither Love Island nor his hair were laughing matters, as far as he was concerned.

The rest of the training session went well, he did his best to channel his emotions into it. Running that little bit faster, tackling a little harder and standing even stronger when Chilly tried to foul him like normal. On the coach back to the hotel Phil sat next to him.

'You right?' He asked.

'Yeah will be mate. So is it on again tonight?' Asked Jack

'What?' Asked Phil trying to pretend he didn't know what he was really being asked.

'Don't be an idiot mate'

'It's 9pm, take it we're watching it then?'

'I mean if you want to, but is it a good idea?'

'What's a good idea?' Asked Chilly hanging over Jack's seat.

'Nothing' Jack said defensively.

'Yeah mate, how well do I know you. You can't bullshit a bullshitter, now spill' Chilly pushed.

Jack sighed. 'Remember Amy?'

'What you knew her?' Asked Phil.

'Yeah. She was living with Jack when we were under 21's, Great girl but what's she got to do with it?'

'She's on Love Island' sighed Jack.

'Seriously?!? Jesus, she didn't seem the type for that. She was always so, I dunno, private. But that explains a lot about earlier, you never did get over her' Chilly said, remembering how crushed Jack had been when she'd left. 'So what are you going to do?'

'Not much I can do, is there? She's in Majorca and I'm here' he sighed.

'But if you were both here, what then?' asked Phil who by now was completely invested.

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