Chapter 31

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Wednesday 14th July 2021 continued

After the initial excitement of Jack and Amy's reunion, everything seemed to go back to normal. Having dinner with the Grealish's had always been such a big part of Amy's life while they were together, and it felt good to be back in the fold. It was just like old times, Jack was talking animatedly about pre-season with Kevin and Kevan, whilst Amy was telling Karen, Hollie and Keira about the work she'd been offered in London.

'And....this is top secret mind, but on Friday I'm going to Majorca for ten days. It's the end of the series of Love Island, and I've been asked to help present the final!' Amy said excitedly.

'Wait, you're going to Majorca on Friday?' Asked Jack, picking up pieces of the conversation.

'Yeah, why?'

'Well me and the boys are going to Mykonos on Friday, and I was going to ask you to come with us. There's a couple of other girls going too, so it's not like you'd be the only one. I just thought it would be a good opportunity to spend some time proper time together before the new season' he shrugged. That was one thing about dating a footballer, everything revolved around the football calendar.

'As unbelievably good as that sounds, I signed the contract for Majorca this morning, so it's a definite. I'm sorry' she grimaced.

'That's amazing! A proper tv star in the making. You two are going to be like some celebrity power couple soon' Keira squealed excitedly.

'Hmm, not convinced on that Keira' Amy laughed. 'But anyway, apart from the final, there's other stuff on all week, like beach parties and beach games, and then after the final we're hosting a big foam party at BCM in Magalluf'

'Sounds like some week you've got planned' said Jack squeezing her leg. He hadn't stopped touching her since they'd sat down at the table, it was like he couldn't quite believe that she was there next to him. Not that she minded, she'd missed his gentle touch.

'Yeah, it should be amazing. All the people who have been part of the show this season will be there' she explained.

'Even him?' Asked Jack, his face immediately expressing his disgust.

'Even Brad, but he knows now doesn't he, and there's going to be so many other people there, I'll barely have to see him' she reassured him.

'Why don't I see if the guys would change the holiday to Majorca?' Jack suggested. 'I'm sure they wouldn't mind, and at least I could still see you'

'Jack, don't be daft, I'll be pretty much working the whole time. You go to Mykonos and chill. It's only 10 days' she laughed as he pouted.

'I've literally just got you back though, like half an hour ago, and I've missed you for so long' Jack kissed her cheek.

'Erm you two, we're still here' laughed Hollie, waving across the table.


After dinner Amy and Jack left the restaurant together. Instead of taking a taxi like the rest of the Grealish family, Amy and Jack decided to make the most of the warm evening air and walk. Amy was glad she'd worn flat shoes as they walked for miles and miles, hand in hand just catching up with each other. Amy was so touched that Jack was so genuinely interested in her uni and what it was like. She told him all about her flat mates, the classes she was taking and how she'd been playing a bit of football herself.

'Really?' Smiled Jack. When they were together, they'd often have a kick around, but he didn't realise how much she'd enjoyed it.

'Yeah and I bet now they know where I picked up some of my skills they'll be raging' she laughed.

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