Chapter 2

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August 2009

'Dad, do we really have to go to the football? Can't we go to the bullring and do some shopping, please dad?' Amy begged. Like most 14 year olds, that was the kind of plans she'd hoped for the weekend at her dads, but now he'd just announced their actual destination would be Villa Park.

'Actually Amy, I've bought us a season ticket so we can go to the games together whenever you're down. I've even got you a Villa shirt of your very own' he said handing her a bag. Amy sighed and forced a smile as she opened it up. She knew he was clearly trying his best but really he was out of his depth with a teenage girl. Before her parents split up, her mum was always the one in charge, so him being the parent in command and making all the decisions was as new to him. Just as her having to make the 4.5 hour train journey every second Friday afternoon to his house was new to her.

She saw the excitement in his eyes when he saw her hold the strip up and it tugged on her heartstrings. Obviously she'd still support Celtic, but maybe she could have an English team as well. Loads of people did.
'Okay, give me a minute to change and we'll go' she said.

I'm the car her Dad put on a Villa songs playlist and began to sing along.
'You'll need to learn the words' he said, drawing breath before the next song.
'Yeah sure' she said humouring him.
'You know Amy, maybe if you just give it a chance then you'll like it' he snapped, getting fed up with her awkward attitude.
She nodded, knowing he had a point.

She wasn't very impressed by her first view of Villa Park. 'It's not as big as Celtic Park is it?' She said huffily.

'No sweetheart, but much better football' he joked. 'Now let's find our seats. Kevin, a friend of mine sorted the season tickets out for us. His lad is the same age as you and is in the youth academy so he pulled some strings for us. Nice guy, we used to come here when we were kids and now we're here as dads, and I get the chance to show you off'

'Dad, please don't be too embarrassing' she implored him.

'No promises sweetheart' he laughed, as they navigated the crowds into the stands.

'Amy, this is my old friend Kevin and these are his sons Jack and Kevan. Jack's the one I was telling you about that plays for the youth team here at Villa, don't you' he said going to ruffle Jacks slicked back dark hair, but Jack quickly dodged his hand, looking horrified.

'Cool' said Amy smiling politely at the the boys. It reminded her of the time her parents had taken her to Spain when she was 8, telling her they'd find her a wee pal at the pool and she'd got stuck with an an annoying girl from Middlesborough the whole week. In fairness, the boys seemed equally as underwhelmed to meet her and nodded back in quiet acknowledgement of her presence. Well this was just getting better and better.

At half time Kevin and Amy's dad headed off with Kevan to get drinks for them all. Amy took out her phone and read the messages from her friends group chat, they we're all going out and it seemed like they were having a much better time than her. She sighed.
'You look bored' Jack said smirking.

'Sorry?' Amy missed what he'd said, she hadn't expected him to talk to her.

'I said, you look bored. Football not really your thing then?' He asked with a friendly smile that surprised her.

'No, I actually do like football, just this is the first time I've been to a Villa game and I don't even know who the players are. I'm a Celtic fan' she explained.

'Cool' Jack replied, just then their Dad's arrived back and the conversation ended whilst the second half began. Amy looked along at Jack as he belted out the Villa songs and he smiled back at her. He did have a nice smile she thought to herself, and why was she blushing.

At the end of the match the two families said goodbye and went their separate ways. Jack gave her a friendly smile before they walked off and Amy began to think that maybe going to Villa games wouldn't be such a bad way to spend her weekends after all.

By the time she got to school on Monday morning, Jack was all she could think of. She told all her friends about the good looking future footballer and they ate it all up.
'So, ask him out then' Laura commanded, to a chorus of 'yeses' from her other friends.

'He barely noticed me, I don't think so girls. Anyway he lives too far away' she explained, wishing that it was all the opposite. She really wished he was thinking about her too, but she knew he wasn't.

But in reality Jack had noticed her too. He thought she had a nice smile and a cool Scottish accent. Besides, most of the girls he knew hated football but she didn't.

The following week Celtic were playing Aberdeen in the Scottish Premier League. Normally Jack didn't bother with Scottish football, but this time he sat down to watch it, and it wasn't as bad as he'd anticipated. He wondered if she might be there watching the game, he even found himself scanning the crowd for her.

It ended 3-1 to Celtic and he was actually pretty impressed by the end. He made a point of remembering the goal scorers. Aiden McGeady and Scott McDonald. That could be a way in to start conversation with her.

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