Chapter 3

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1st June 2021

'What's going on?' Asked Amy as she walked into the sitting room full of her 3 squealing housemates.

'Well, you know that tv show 'Love Island'?' Emma asked

Amy nodded, completely confused by where this was going. 'Basically people desperate for fame but pretending to look for love. Am I right?'

'Oh so cynical' Emma giggled, trying to pull a pretend serious face.

'Tell her' Anna prompted Lucy.

'No you tell her' Lucy retorted

'Will someone just tell me?!?' Shouted Amy, getting frustrated.

A pause followed before Lucy finally spilled the news.
'Okay, so we applied to the show for you and they've just emailed to say you're shortlisted and they want you to go for an interview- on Friday!'

'Wait what? No way, I'm not doing It' Amy refused.

'We've already confirmed you'll be there. Sorry girl!' Laughed Anna.

'Told you, it's time to move on, and besides you could get 8 weeks in Majorca for free and loads of free stuff. You know previous contestants are loaded, always on tv and all that'

'Yeah, but that's not me. I don't want to be famous, I want to be successful for my brains, not my body' huffed Amy.

'But all the working out you do, your body is amazing, it's almost a crime not to flaunt it' Emma butted in. It was true. Jack had got her into fitness when they were together and she'd never stopped since they'd broken up.

'I'm not doing it, you can't make me' sulked Amy.

That Friday however she sat in front of a producer, somehow agreeing to do it.

'This year is a bit different from others though, we'll be competing with the Euro's and relying on catch up viewing figures. We've agreed to let people in the villa know the football scores though'

'Okay' she smiled. That sealed the deal, she was going to Majorca and hiding from all mention of Jack and the Euro's.

'And you leave in 2 days'

'Wait what?' She exclaimed.

'With COVID restrictions im afraid it's just how it is'


Today was the day, team selections would be announced. Jack paced the floor looking at his phone willing it to ring. His mum and dad sat on the sofa watching him wear a hole in the carpet, equally impatient for Gareth's decision.

'No news is good news son' Kevin tried to reassure Jack as the minutes ticked on by.
'I just need to know. It's killing me' Jack whined. No sooner had he stopped talking his phone rang. 'The Gaffer' he said nervously before putting it on speaker for his parents to hear.

'Congratulations Jack, you've made the team' was all he could remember Gareth saying before his mum started squealing with pride. Gareth was running through arrangements but Jack couldn't take it in, his dream was coming true, he'd made the England Euro squad. After he hung up Jack and his parents jumped up and down, still reeling from the news. Karen noticed that he fell quiet after a while and dispatched Kevin to the kitchen to make them some tea. Champagne was for later.

'What's up son?' She asked quietly as soon as Kevin was out of earshot.

'I just wish I could tell Amy. Remember when she used to tell me she'd watch me play at Wembley one day? I miss her so much Mum' he admitted.

'And she'll be missing you too, but you broke her heart Jack and she made her decision'

'I know Mum. I just wish I could turn back time or make us meet now for the first time' he sighed.

'What about that blonde girl you were hanging around with?' Karen asked.

'She just wasn't what I'm looking for. Nice girl and all, she just wasn't....' He paused.

'Amy' his mum finished his sentence, and Jack nodded. His dad walked in, clearly having overheard the conversation.

'You'll meet someone son, but right now the focus is football, okay?' He told him firmly.

'I know Dad. Have you spoken to Andy recently? How is she?'

'I saw him yesterday actually, she's doing well. One more year at university to go' Kevin explained, trying to put his sons mind at rest, but also doing his best to move the conversation along. Jack smiled, but hearing that reminded him that it had been 2 years since they'd last been together. Since he'd let her down monumentally.


The first proper England squad training session went so well that Jack felt like he was flying. The feedback was all positive and he felt confident that despite Gareth's apparent cynicism, he'd be finally getting some playing time for his national team in a major competition.

'Jack' called one of the admin team who were dealing with all of the travelling arrangements.
'We need to know your family list for tickets, how many you need and their names for security'
Jack nodded and took the clipboard. He filled in his Mum, his Dad, his brother and two sisters and then paused, wishing he could add Amy's name on like he had done for all those years at Villa. She'd come to every game she could whilst they were together. She'd been his number one fan.

'Are you finished?' Asked the admin guy.

'Yeah, thanks mate' replied Jack handing back the clipboard.

'Remember guys, if we do this right it's finally going to be coming home!' Shouted Gareth excitedly to the equally exited team.

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