Chapter 6

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February 2013

'Mum!' called Amy excitedly, running into the kitchen clasping her phone.

'What is it? You sound happy? Now let me guess.....Jack?' her Mum laughed. She got on well with Jack, but what she liked most about him was how happy he made her daughter.

'Yes, he's on FaceTime now. Jack say hi to mum'

'Hi Lorna, How are you?' Jack said with a massive smile.

'I'm fine, now will one of you two please tell me what's so exciting?'

'Jack's been nominated for an award for ROI player of the year and he wants me to go with him to the ceremony' Amy squealed.

'Well done Jack!' Lorna enthused. 'So where is it?' She asked Jack.

'Dublin. It's going to be on the TV and everything. My Mum and Dad are coming with me, but it wouldn't feel right without Amy, she always brings me luck' he said, trying to charm Lorna

'Okay, we'll if it's okay with your Mum and Dad then it's fine by me too' Lorna agreed.
'Fantastic. I'm going to get you an amazing outfit. Whatever you want, it's yours' he promised excitedly.

Once Amy was safely back up in her bedroom, Jack paused and cleared his throat.

'I didn't want to say before you asked your mum, but I asked Mum and Dad and they said if it's okay with your Mum, and you of course, that we're allowed to have a room to ourselves in Dublin' he said. His beautiful eyes twinkling.

'Just us?' Amy asked. 'Not your sisters?' On the very few occasions she'd stayed over at Jack's, it was on the condition that she shared a room with Keira and Holly, which she loved, but she had wondered how it would feel to wake up in Jack's arms for quite some time now.

'Just us' Jack repeated. and they both giggled coyly.

'I'd love to. Just leave mum to me' she said excitedly.

At first Lorna was hesitant and had taken some time out to think about what Amy was asking. It was hard for her as a mum to read between the lines, but she knew Jack and Amy were both 17 and had been together for almost a year. They weren't stupid and they were so obviously in love.

'Okay, you can share a room with Jack' Lorna told an ecstatic Amy. 'But I think we should see the doctor about you going on the pill, just in case'

'Mum. I.....' Amy faltered.

'I'm not stupid Amy, I was young and in love with your Dad once too. I just want you both to be careful. You've got your whole lives together ahead of you, and basically I'm not ready to be a granny for a long long time'

'Oh my god Mum nooooooooooo babies for a very very long time yet'


Amy arrived at  Birmingham New Street station for 12pm and Karen was waiting on the platform to pick her up. As always Amy gave her a big hug. With all the time she was spending with Jack, she was becoming like a second mum to her.

'So are you excited for these awards then? Karen asked Amy, who was fastening up her seat belt. It was strange that Jack wasn't with Karen, he had promised that he'd see her as soon as she got there.

'Yeah, I'm just so proud of Jack and how well he's doing and I love that I can be there to support him' Amy replied, meaning every last word.

'Good. Well, we're almost there, Jack asked me to bring you to his favourite designer boutique to choose your dress, he's going to meet us there'

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