Chapter 22

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August 2018

Amy's weekend in Glasgow had been phenomenal. Her, Laura and Lorna had been to look at a couple of the potential wedding venues from her and Jack's short list, not that it was that short a list. Although she hadn't seen 'THE' venue, she had got some new ideas, but most importantly she had also tried on her first couple of wedding dresses. The whole thing was feeling so much more real, especially when Jack was so keen to set the date. He'd even arranged for them to do an exclusive interview on their engagement with a magazine when she got back home. This was going to be their first official interview together, and as nervous as she was about it, she knew with Jack's stardom in ascendancy that it was a forgone conclusion, she was going to be in the public eye anyway, they may as well do it on their own terms.

The night before had been pretty wild with her and Laura, as it always was and now she was starting to regret booking the train so early. As it was by the time she'd dragged herself out of bed and her mums car got stuck in traffic, it was a miracle she actually got to the station with just enough time to grab a bottle of water from the shop to help with her hangover. She kept telling herself that in just over four hours, she'd be home, relaxing in a bubble bath and watching Netflix with Jack. She was intrigued though, since she'd been away he had promised her a massive surprise when she got back, and as much as she was super excited for it, she hoped whatever it was that she could do it in her pyjamas. As she paid for her water she saw the pile of newspapers on the cash desk with Jacks face on the front.

'The train departing from platform 6 is for Birmingham New Street' boomed the voice from the tannoy.

Pushed for time she handed the paper to the assistant, paid and ran to the train, only just making it in time before the doors closed. After she stowed her suitcase, she found her seat. She'd booked a table but there was already someone sat opposite her. Great, they'd be able to watch her catch flies when she fell asleep. First things first though, she text Jack to let him know she was on her way home. He quickly replied with a topless selfie of him in bed pouting at her empty pillow, with the message. 'Missed you being here'
He was so cute. 'Be back very soon, you should stay right there' she'd replied. If one thing could cure a hangover, it was one million percent sex with Jack.

'What a guy Super Jack is ay?' Said the man across the table from her, pointing to the newspaper. It was only then that she began to process what the headline said.

'My nights of passion with Jack Grealish'

Wait what?

It couldn't be true? She had to read on, as much as she didn't want to. As she was choking on all the sordid details, Jack text her back to say he'd be at the station waiting for her, he couldn't wait to see her and he loved her so much. Right now that was the last thing she wanted. She read on...

'We met in Tenerife, and I knew he had a girlfriend but he was hungry for me. He told me he'd never wanted anyone more than he did me right then'

She felt sick.

'We had sex four times that night and he still wanted more'

'I visited him again at his flat the week we got back and had sex in the bed he shares with his fiancée'

'He still slides into my DM's, even though I hear he's just got engaged. But if he doesn't care, why should I?'

There was even a picture of them looking cosy together in Tenerife.

Amy looked up at the guy across from her.
'Can you watch my stuff, I need the bathroom' she asked, and ran away without waiting for an answer.

The electric door was barely closed before she began to vomit into the toilet. Tears flooded down from her eyes and she felt a pain in her chest that she'd never felt before. She now knew how it really felt to be heartbroken. When they'd had their break before it had been bad, but now it was horrendous. She vomited again. How could he have done this to her? Thoughts rolled through her mind faster than the train sped down the track. What should she do? How should she handle it? Should she get off the train at the next station and go back to her mums or should she go home and face him? What would she even say to him?

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