Chapter 42

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Jack Grealish named as sub for Man City vs Leicester in the Community Shield

All eyes will be on the Man City bench at Wembley today. Guardiola has named super-signing Grealish as a sub for the Community Shield clash with Leicester City.


'I can't believe you bought a house yesterday' Amy called to Jack, who was in the bathroom. They were getting ready to head to Wembley for his first game with Man City.

'No Aims, we bought a house, did you not see the paperwork is in both our names?' he poked his head round the door and corrected her. Jack had insisted upon it being in both names, it was his way of letting her know that it belonged to them both equally.

'Do I look okay?' Asked Amy, in her third outfit so far. This was the first time she'd be meeting some of the players and their partners and she wanted to make a good impression.

'You look amazing babe, you know you always do' he said kissing her cheek, as she scrutinised her outfit in the full length mirror. She now had on tight ripped jeans with a simple black tee.

'Am I too casual with these trainers on?' She was panicking.

'You're fine, it's just another game, how many of them have you been to now? One, Two, three hundred?' He laughed, and shook his head at her,  surely he was supposed to be the nervous one.

'It's not just another game though, is it?' Why didn't he get what she meant?

'Look Aims, I'm shitting myself too, but me and you are going to go there today, just do our best and be ourselves, and screw what anyone else thinks, okay?' He did have a good point.

'You're right' she paused. 'Wait I'm just going to change my top'

He rolled his eyes and looked at his watch. He was relieved he'd told her they needed to leave half an hour before they really had to.


'Look at us, back in the place where it all began again' said Jack with a smile, as they walked hand in hand through the corridors of Wembley.

'I was just thinking that. I second guessed myself so many times about coming to watch those games, I'm just so glad I did' she squeezed his hand.

'You're not the only one. Anyway, are you ready for this?' He took a deep breath and opened the door.

She recognised most of the players and of course Pep, but there were a lot of new faces too.

'Hello Jack!' Said Pep warmly. 'And you must be Amy. Jack was telling me you speak Spanish. ¡Qué bien!'

'Yes I'm studying it at university just now' she explained, in complete disbelieve that she was talking to Pep Guardiola about her life.

'You've got a smart one here Jack' smiled Pep, patting him on the back.

'She's got enough brains for the both of us thankfully' laughed Jack, putting his hand in the small of Amy's back to reassure her.

'Come on then Jack, it's time to go. I'll see you again Amy' Pep said goodbye to her warmly.

Amy watched as all the players filed out the room to go and get ready for the game leaving her alone with the other families. It was nerve wracking and Amy almost wished she could have a drink.

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