Chapter 23

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9th July 2021

2 days to go

The excitement of winning the semi final was short lived amongst the England camp, instead it was soon replaced with a sense of nervous anticipation towards the final. Each game of the tournament had been a stepping stone towards this moment and there was just one final hurdle before they could lift the cup- Mancini and La Forza Azzurri.

At breakfast the next morning Gareth had handed out a new schedule to the England team whilst reminding them, as if they didn't already know, that this would be the biggest game of their lives so far. They'd be playing for Queen and country.

The training plan Jack was given definitely reflected that. There was to be training on and off pitch, sports massage, selected media interviews and in between that, they also had to find time to rest and recuperate. It was going to be exhausting, but Jack revelled in it. Knowing that Amy would be there on Sunday was giving him the boost that he needed. A focus to work towards beyond the final. Not only did he want to be the best on the pitch, he also wanted to be the best version of himself when he saw Amy again..

Since he'd seen her in the crowd at the semi-final and they'd shared that look, he had decided enough was enough. No more messing around. So instead of trying to suppress his feelings towards Amy, like he'd done for years, he was now allowing himself to think about what he wanted, and that was to settle down with her. Truth be told he always had. He hated going home alone to his empty house at night, the house that she was supposed to have lived in with him. He missed the stupid chats they'd have about nothing that lasted for hours. He missed the jokes they shared that had made them cry with laughter, but no one else understood. He missed the way that just being in the same room as her had made him feel. He didn't miss her singing in the shower though, that was painful.

Since they'd been sharing a room in camp he'd seen how Phil was, FaceTiming his girlfriend and baby boy every night. It wasn't just Phil though, the other guys were always talking about the families who were waiting at home for them and that's what Jack wanted. He knew people saw him how the media portrayed him, as 'Jack the lad' and a womaniser, but it was easier for them to think that than to know the truth. That he'd carried the burden of a broken heart around with him for the last two years. Now he'd seen her again though, it felt like finally his heart stood a chance of being mended. But for now, it was cardio that was giving his heart a work out.


Amy's week was shaping up to be crazy too. Since signing up with the management agency, she hadn't stopped. There were brands asking to do collabs with her, personal appearances, photoshoots, magazine interviews and tv appearances. Almost every job they offered her, she said yes to. She was smart and knew that fame was fickle, and just as she was in favour this week, it could all change by the next and she wanted to make the most of it.

Laura was concerned that Amy was pushing herself too hard, but Amy chose to ignore that. The busier she was, the less likely she was to think about Brad or Jack. Except there was a slight glitch in that plan now that Brad had also signed with the same management company, and a lot of places were booking the both of them for the same jobs. It was almost as if they were becoming each others work husband and wife. Amy didn't mind entirely though, she always had so much fun when she was with Brad and he had a way about him which made her feel as if she was the most important girl in the world when she was with him.

Today she was flying solo though, today she was going to be appearing on Loose Women to talk about promises. It was exciting for Amy, because she used to watch the show with her Mum sometimes, but if she thought they were going to be kind to her, then she was wrong. They weren't afraid to ask the big questions of her. Immediately calling into question the timing of her appearance on Love Island, and the intentions behind it.

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