Everyone have their fill except for AJ who wanted to eat, instead of going to bed full she went to bed after the last pot was done and place it at the counter for the rest to eat. She walks out from there and straight went to bed, within a second she fell asleep.


The room has been quite for the last 3 hours right after breakfast and having his medicine, Maxis when back to sleep leaving AJ sitting in the sofa looking out of the window doing nothing. She had done all the things that she was supposed to do and now she is dead bored. She tries to get Maxis up by making a lot of noise did not work, calling his name a thousand times and even stomping her leg aloud did not work until she gives up and sat down looking out.

"It a nice day!!!" said AJ as she sigh and sigh and sigh again she sigh so loud that Maxis eyes open and threw a pillow to her.

"Can you stop sighing!!"

"You're up!!" jumped AJ and went to him, Maxis push her away a bit as she was being too close to him and had made him very uncomfortable.

"What wrong with you?"

"I'm bored!"

"Anna give you a list of things to do?"

"Done all of it...even rearrange your closet!" replied AJ.

"Then sleep! Go lock the door and sleep I don't care...I want to sleep!" said Maxis as he turns his body away from AJ and closes his eyes. AJ looked at Maxis and saw that he was already fallen asleep.

"All you do is sleep!! And they said I'm lazy!" AJ went back and sat down back and looked out at the maze, the sun was not that hot and she can feel the breeze coming in. It would be really nice to walk around the maze but Maxis would not want to leave the room at all.

"Can we go out??" asked AJ.


"But why?? You just need to sit down and I push you around!"

"I don't want to.."

"Er....you are rotting me in here!!" AJ threw her body at the chair and wiggled her body trying to release her anger at Maxis.

"BEARMAN...please...please.....please...please..." begged AJ Maxis eyes open when AJ begs him, he turns around and saw how desperate she makes him feel bad. His brain and body already make up their mind to refuse but when he open his mouth and instead of telling her no the word YES came out. AJ jumps up from the chair and immediately took the wheelchair from the other room.

"Stupid Maxis!!" shouted Maxis to himself for giving in to AJ again. Maxis sat up from the bed and waited for AJ who runs into the room as fast as she can so that she can quickly get Maxis onto the wheelchair and roll him outside so that she can enjoy the sun.

AJ quickly get him onto the wheelchair which was surprisingly fast and easy for AJ when Anna and the rest would have a hard time moving him, that is one other reason he did not want to move out of the bed but AJ somehow she handles him very well.

"I'm damn strong!!" said AJ as she praised herself and pushed Prince Maxis out from his room.

The moment Maxis got out of the room, the air was different. Maybe because he was in his room for so long that he forgets how the smell and the air were like. AJ pushes him out and when to the end of the corridor and waited for the lift to open. The guard that was around there, stop in their track and looked at Prince Maxis who finally is out from the room.

"He's going to get some air..he!!" said AJ to the guards, she did not want to be blamed for bringing Maxis out without permission.

"Liar!!" said Maxis softly, he did not feel like ever going out. But because AJ he out there and now the servant and guard are looking at him strangely. The lift open and AJ push him in, AJ push the button for the first floor and push the button close before one of the guard walk in. AJ looked at the guard and felt strange as he suddenly went into the lift. The door close and the lift move down.

Once they reach the first floor, AJ push Maxis out and they walk to the end of the first floor where it will lead them out to the outside. The moment AJ got out of the lift, her steps became faster than before, she could not wait to be out and smell the fresh air.

The sliding door opens and AJ pushes Maxis faster which makes Maxis a bit scare, scare that AJ would suddenly push him and make him fall. The guard had to jog by AJ so that they could be there in case AJ could not stop in time.

"Wow...Slow down....AJ...slow down!!" quaver Maxis but AJ refuse and quicken her step until they were outside she suddenly stop and nearly make Maxis fallen out of the wheelchair.

"AJ!!" shouted Maxis as the guards manage to make him sat up right when he nearly falls. AJ took a deep breath and breathe it out loudly.

"AH..this is so nice!!" said AJ as she breathes out. Maxis looked at her in anger, starting to regret agreeing to leave his room.

"We out just like you want it now send me back to my room!!" command Maxis.

"No...we are out so let enjoy the afternoon sun and breeze!!" said AJ as she push further away from the sliding door, Maxis became very anxious that now he is out, he keep looking back at the door, he wanted to go back in.

"Calm down and breathe!!! The door will be there after 15 minutes we out here!!" said AJ as she pushed him. Maxis started to breathe in and out heavily and could not stop himself from wanted to go back. He started panicking when AJ stop the wheelchair and kneel down in front of him,

"Close your eyes!!" asked AJ, Maxis looked at him unsure of what she asked him to do but AJ asked him again and he close his eyes. AJ took his hand, place it on his chest, he could feel his heart was beating very fast.

"Breath in and stop for 5 second...and out!!" instruct AJ, Maxis did what was asked, AJ guard him a few more time until he could feel his heart beat was calmer. Maxis open his eyes and saw AJ smiling at him,

"This is what happens if you allow yourself to rot in that room! That is a comfort zone that can be deadly if you stay in for so long! Outside might be hard but it is more lively than in a room where nothing is alive!" said AJ as she stands up and walks away making Maxis looked at the small garden that AJ help to do when she was being punished. 

"I did not know we have a small garden here?" asked Maxis.

"Because you did not leave the room for 2 years... you didn't even know what was going on outside of the palace too!! By the way..the cars now are flying!!" said AJ, Maxis looked at her in shock, how can the car be flying he did not know that. The guard stopped themselves from laughing when he saw Prince Maxis shocking expression.

"Hahahha...I was joking bearman!! You should see your face...so funny." laugh AJ as she pushes him next to the big tree.

"Very funny!!" scoff Maxis angry at himself for believing AJ. 15 minutes that AJ promise turns to 30 which turn to hours. The sun and the air outside make him miss his mother but also miss the times he was busy making other people's lives change. Back then and now he did not realize how clean and refreshing the air was until today. 


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