"I would be able to run up this hill and now I can't even make it half way up the hill" I panted

we got to the markets and looked around for some clothes, hunter and omega were in front of Ahsoka and I as we talked,

"so how you feeling" she joked,

"terrible" I sighed

"whats got you uncomfortable today?"

"well, my feet ache and my stomach hurts but you know the usual"

"I sense fear in you" she said

"yeah, I'm scared" I said


"well, I have been shot, stabbed, you know everything really, but giving birth scares me ," I said

"you will be okay" she said putting her hand on my side and I gave her a small smile

"hey look at this" she said showing me a black dress

"mmm, yeah, Hunter" I said calling out


we got some clothes but my feet were so sore now, and I was really wanting to go home, we started walking back to the ship when we heard blaster shots

"Omega, take Ella back to the ship" hunter ordered, him and Ahsoka stayed on alert as the followed us at a distance,

we got back to the ship and I was completely out of breath, hunter and Ahsoka returned back to the ship not long after,

"hey are you okay?" hunter asked, but I was too tired to answer so I just nodded "you must be exhausted" he said putting his hand on my side

"yeah" I said burying my head into his shoulder "and my feet hurt" I said

"lets get you home then" he said leading me to the cockpit,


tech echo and crosshair followed us into the house while wrecker trained outside, I sat down in my spot on the couch and extended my legs out,

"urgh" I groaned,

ahsoka sat at my feet and omega sat in her spot,

"long day" crosshair asked

"so it turns out I can't walk up hills anymore" I said

"or walk at all" ahsoka said

"hey" I said, hunter came over and handed me some tea and sat down next to me,

"so ella" tech said "what was sore today?" he asked, he asks me this all the time so he can see how I am getting along, and he has set up a medical droid in the med bay that delivers baby and a labour bed (like the one in ROTS that padme used)

"my feet" I said

"hmm okay" he said typing something down "you have less than three months left" he said

"urghhh," I groaned,


I put my new pyjamas on that actually fit and got into bed, hunter followed behind,

"goodnight hunter" I said kissing his cheek,

"goodnight, I love you, you are doing so great" he said

"what do you mean?" I asked

"I know that your body aches but I can see how well you are pushing through it" he smiled

"aw I love you...." I trailed off as I fell asleep.


I woke up in the middle of the night with a weird feeling down....there, I looked down and saw.... BLOOD, no no no no no.

"you okay?" hunter groaned

"hunter theres blood, im bleeding" I panicked

"what" he said shooting up straight away

"we need to get you to tech right now" he said, he helped me up and held me up as we rushed downstairs and ran out to techs, thankfully he was awake still working on his droid,

"what wrong" he jumped up and helped me over to the med bay

"bl- theres blood" I said in fear, he laid me down and did some scans, hunter grabbed my hand and I squeezed it, I was so scared what if the baby is..... dead,

"the baby is fine and so are you, it was just a bit of spotting" he said and I sighed in relief

"oh sorry I disturbed you" I said

"no, come here for anything that's wrong" he assured me

"thank you tech" I said as hunter helped me up and took me back to our house,

(is its gonna be a boy or a girl? take a guess)

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