Twin Series 3 : Sangemarmar

Start from the beginning

"I'm pregnant."

"What?" he asks, his face breaking out into a smile. "We are having a baby?" he asks excitedly as he hugged her hooting happily. he takes her lips in his and gently kisses her.

She quickly pushes him away and worriedly looks around. "We are in the garden."

He chuckles. "Really? Did you forget valentine's day? we made love right there under the stars for the first time."

"Oh my God, someone will hear you!" she says quickly covering his mouth. "And it happened in the flow and it was two weeks after our marriage, and Mummyji had gone off to visit her sister and she had given the whole staff that day off so we could be alone at home."

Seeing his eyes twinkling with mischief, she knew what he was thinking.

He removes her hand from his mouth and says it, "The whole night, you made me sit and delete the CCTV footage. Didn't even let me keep a copy of it."

"Yeah, only that was left!" she mutters. "And the security had panicked saying there was a breach and someone had deleted the previous night's CCTV footage."

He chuckles remembering the incident. "You almost fainted when he reported that in front of Mom."

She glares at him remembering that.

"But you could have let me keep a copy. We could have watched it."

"No way in hell!"

He curiously asks her. "Why didn't you let us keep one? Is it because of the leaked sex clip..."

"Don't mention that!" she furiously tells him.

Realizing he had hit a nerve, he quickly says, "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have brought that up."

She looks away hurt and angry.

"I'm sorry. Please don't be mad." He says as he quickly made her face him. "I shouldn't have said that. I'm very sorry."

She nods accepting his apology.

"Don't be mad. Today is such a happy day for us."

She nods.

"Smile, biwi." He cutely tells her.

Seeing that, she smiles.

Seeing that, he also smiles happily. "I am so happy. We are going to have a baby! WOW!"

She lovingly caresses his cheek, "I knew you would be happy."

"Then why didn't you tell me when you had doubts and went to the doctor?" he asks confused.

"I didn't want to get your hopes high and what if I am not?"

"Then what about getting your hopes high and what if you were not?" he asks her in a loving admonishing way.

"I wasn't sure how I felt about it." she confesses softly.

"Why are you saying like that?" he asks her shocked.

She looks up at him nervously and looking into his eyes, she asks him, "Do you love me?"

"Oh, so that is what it is." He says smiling. "I do."

"You do?" she asks smiling happily in surprise, her eyes filling with joy.

"I know we had a very rocky start." He says with a loving smile. "I married you for the land. And your father forced you to marry me... But I do love you."

She smiles hearing that.

Seeing that, he happily hugs her. "I love you, Nitya."

Madhu's heart breaks hearing that. she closes her eyes, as she tried to fight her tears, which were no longer of joy, but of pain.

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