Her blood boiled as she saw who was sat next to Draco's mother. Magnolia could hear her breathing quicken at the sight of the rat who had escaped her clutches at the end of her third year at Hogwarts. A hand quickly rested on hers, softly stroking her skin to soothe her. She glanced at Draco, remembering his words from his bedroom, then snuck a look at Voldemort who was watching her closely.

With a deep breath, Magnolia pushed Wormtail from her mind, along with all the horrible ways she had been thinking about making him suffer for what he had done to her and her family. Her scars itched at the thought. Magnolia took Voldemort's lead when she saw him begin eating and pulled some cheese and crackers onto her own plate. It was all she thought she would be able to stomach right now.

"Miss Potter, Draco tells me you are doing exceptionally well at school."

Magnolia jumped at the chatty tone coming from the Dark Lord and looked at Draco. She hoped it wasn't too obvious to everyone else that she was looking to him for guidance, that she was nervous, she didn't want anyone there thinking that she was anything but strong. Draco's small nod and half smile helped relax Magnolia a little.

"I don't know about exceptionally well; I think Draco is being too nice about that." Magnolia chuckled, "I'm doing well enough."

"I'm sure you're just being modest." Voldemort smiled at Magnolia, "Do you have a favourite class?"

"It changes all the time, depending on what topic we're learning about." Magnolia responded, "I think, right now, I'm probably enjoying Transfiguration the most, it's challenging me, so I feel good when I conquer the spell."

"Ah yes, I quite enjoyed Transfiguration when I was at school also. Being able to turn something mundane into something extraordinary, or the other way around, fascinated me. Minerva McGonagall teaches that subject if I'm not mistaken?"

"Yes, she does. She's an excellent professor."

"Indeed, she is talented."

Around the table, Magnolia could hear other hushed conversations, although she could also feel everyone desperately listening and watching her and Voldemort. It was a strange lunch, Voldemort continued to chat with her, even involving Draco in the conversation, but Magnolia was sure he must have ulterior motives.

"Do you have an idea of what you would like to do after Hogwarts, Miss Potter?"

"I'd like to be a Healer." Magnolia answered immediately, "When we were growing up, I was always bandaging Harry, or helping some sort of injury he'd received from the Muggles we live with. I knew from then that I'd like to do something like that."

"Ah, yes Draco has informed us about the Muggles you live with."

Magnolia's skin crawled at the subtle delight in his tone and noticed that a hush had fallen over the table at his words. She knew that she would have to be careful what she said now and wished she had been more careful with her previous answer.

"He tells us that they are not treating you in the way you deserve to be treated."

"Erm, yeah, yeah they could treat us better." Magnolia stumbled over her reply, "It's been better the past few years though."

"Since you started Hogwarts?"

"Since the end of my third year mainly. After I was scratched, they received a letter informing them of my scars and what happened. They weren't so quick to punish me after that."

Next to Magnolia, Draco ducked his head to hide the smirk she could see growing on his face at the mention of the letter her aunt and uncle had received. The letter had been one of the first real olive branches between Magnolia and Draco, back when they could barely stand each other.

The Girl Who Was ForgottenOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora