745 34 306

Hawkmoth: Chat Blanc, I want you to take Ladybug's miraculous.

Chat Blanc: sure thing Hookmoose.

Hawkmoth: ...

Hawkmoth: what did you just say?

Chat Blanc: what? I'm just agreeing with you, honkmouth.

Hawkmoth: ok this isn't worth it. I'm taking the akuma back.

Chat Blanc: bYE HORKMOUSE!


Ok I know this seems sudden and like I just dropped a bomb but I've decided to end this book here-

Don't panic yet, lemme explain-

*cue me desperatly trying to think of excuses*

If you didn't know, it's really hard to write a dEcEntLy, EvEn MoDeRatElY funny chapter of 200-300 words on an average every day-

And it's not like this is the end of incorrect quotes itself, I'll get to that later-

Some of you might be sad, some might not even care about this book ending so yeah-

Originally I was planning on ending it at 100 or 150. It got extended to 161 and now 162 so it's not completely sudden for me.

I've been working my ass off everyday, and although I truly enjoy writing these chapters and reading your comments, its becoming a bit tedious nowadays.

Like, I just don't feel like writing?

I thought it was a one-day feeling, and with a fifteen minute break I might find my will to write again, but it dragged on for days and weeks and now months.

I have been thinking of ending this right around the time I ended TMWWNH and take a break from writing (and actually finish the 17402 books in my library-)

I do have good news though-

Once I'm well rested and I've collected some ideas, I'll most probably make another incorrect quotes book so there's that-

I hope you guys aren't too mad at me, and I hope I find my will again soon enough. But for now, I wanna focus a bit more on TMWWNH's finale, and more importantly, on myself.

This book introduced me to lots of amazing people, and I'm happy I got to know you guys!

Hopefully, I'll get my sorry, tired ass back up and working soon, so don't yeet this book outta your library just yet-

I love you guys and I hope we meet again in any other book of mine💗

Bug Out!


[2022: I finally made a sequel! It goes by Miraculous Incorrect Quotes 2 on my profile! Hope to see you there!]

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