146- In the Defence Of Chat

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I say this-and I say this with experience-periods and fever is a tERRIBLE combination.


You know, the time I'd been in bed yesterday (and that's like, the wHOLE MF DAY), I've been thinking.

We know this Rena-LB team-up and less of Chat's screen time is just a huge build-up for something BIG.

BIG could possibly include Chat Blanc 2.0.

I mean, we saw his reaction when he found out that Nino is Carapace and Rena is Alya and that Carapace KNOWS that fact. He didn't think too much of it THEN, but as soon as Nino revealed that LADYBUG HERSELF exposed their identities to each other, albeit the unknown to Adrien circumstances, SHE IS STILL ALLOWING THEM TO BE SUPERHEROES, despite the fact that EVEN HAWKMOTH-Now Shadowmoth-knows their identities too. SHADOWMOTH.

He hesitates.

He now has this seed of doubt planted in his head that whatever Ladybug said about their identities ABSOLUTELY HAVE to be kept a secret was nothing but LIES.

And this hits him HARDER after his and Kagami's break-up since the only reason they fell apart was the LACK OF TRUST, due to his lies.

Ladybug was, according to him, lying.

But that fact alone probably wouldn't cause enough mental pain to lead him to akumatization.

Compared to Chat Blanc 1, this reason alone wouldn't hold enough water. He'll have to experience something MORE painful than that.

So I'm just here, wondering:

What will happen when he finds out that RENA-not Chat, not the person she'd been with from the start, not the person who ALWAYS lifted her spirits whenever she was in the dark-but RENA ROUGE, the hero chosen AFTER him, knows her identity.

And maybe even then, he'll probably be in denial, maybe Rena accidentally found out?

So let me rephrase it:

What will happen when he finds out:


But not him.


Ladybug: I can't believe we're stuck in this stupid room together.

Chat, swallowing the key: Truly unfurtunate.

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