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Please, I NEED an episode where the team miraculous just goofs off in an amusement park.


I am 10000% sure ONE of them finna say this:

Paris is in the hands of THESE dorks?

We done fucked up.


Even pooping is difficult during periods.

My back is kILLING ME.


Headcanon that after watching Princess and the Frog, Adrien almost came down with salmonella by ALMOST kissing frogs.


No one:

Me: *blows on ice-cream tryna COOL it*


Looking at myself in the mirror, I wonder:

How the hell am I still alive-

With the amount of shit I pull-


Interviewer: If you had a shot for every bad decision you made, would you still be sober?

Ladybug: Yes.

Rena: A little bit tipsy.

Carapace, laughing nervously: Wasted.

Chat, with despair on his face, holding his hands together:


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