77- On a Date

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Remember the first line of the 75th chapter?

Yeah that was me when a miraculous episode airs.


In case you're a hairless skunky sloth who's too lazy to scroll upwards twice but would run five miles at the mention of food, here's what I said in chapter 75:



I wanted to do 'on a date' headcanons so here we go:


-The kind who would get one ice cream and shit and eat from it, bold but shy at the same fucking time and would even tip the waiters.

-They would go to their average local ice-cream shop or a cafe. The most basic of all couples.

-The type to have a date in the night-time because they want to sit together and stare at the stars with this dork Adrien memorizing all the constellations and stuff just to impress Marinette.

-it worked.

-They would have their first kiss under the stars.


-Too fucking shy to actually go out.

-If sOMEHOW one of them works up enough courage to ask the other out, they would go to a late night comedy show or something because both are stressed as fuck and also don't want to be seen together.

-If, and this is more likely to happen, they don't get over their nerves and ask the other out, their only time together considered to be a date would be this dumb blond jumping off the tower to impress her.

-it worked.

-god, Marinette. Have some standards.

-They would only and ONLY be considered to be on a date (to themselves, that is) when an akuma strikes, leaving the two alone and it will only end in making things more awkward for them.


-I won't say much but once they went out on a date and the next day the news was:




-Ladybug only agreed to go out because this idiot cat always ends up losing his life oNE FUCKING WAY OR THE OTHER-

-Also because Chat promised he won't make puns for a whole week.

-Will sit on top of the tower discussing this dumb bitch Hawkmoth on a dATE.

-aNYWAYS, Will sit on top of the Eiffel Tower as their own personal spot and will swing around the entire city laughing and smiling at each other, hearts and stars in their eyes.

-Chat was too engrossed 'admiring' Ladybug and slammed face-first onto a pole.

-He ended up in LB's lap and he wondered if he should get hit more often.

-LB smacked him for that.

-Eat croissants from the Dupain-Chengs' bakery, Tom and Sabine being #1 Ladynoir shippers.



-Let's do this.





Ladybug: If you bite it and you die, it's poisonous. If it bites you and you die, it's venomous.

Chat: What if it bites me and it dies!?

Queen Bee: Then you're poisonous. Jesus Christ, Chat, learn to listen.

Carapace: What if it bites itself and I die?

Rena: That's voodoo.

Viperion: What if it bites me and someone else dies?

Queen Bee: That's correlation, not causation.

Chat: What if we bite each other, and neither of us die?

Rena: That's kinky.


Ladybug: Oh my God.


Have I ever mentioned hOW FUCKING MUCH I LOVE RENA-

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