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Sorry bout the previous chapter.

My sis told me to behave at least once in the book.


The only reason I am not a full-blown lesbian is because of the existence of various anime boys.


Real-life boys do be disgustang tho.


I'm not even going to warn more swears now.

I'm too tired.

So deal with it.


Butter is basically food lotion.


How the fuck are girls so pretty-


Headcannon that Marinette is a massage-hungry disaster.

Being a superhero is really fucking stressful, and all she needs is a little break from time to time.

So, like, if you give her a shoulder rub or massage her back real good while she's sleeping, she'll literally marry you.

I see Adrien taking notes.


I have a feeling that the government is not a good idea.

(I typed in 'I have a' and let my keyboard do the rest. Welp-)


Nino: Adrien, why are you holding Marinette's hand?

Adrien: Study shows that holding hands relieves stress and provides comfort.

Nino: Oh. I thought you guys were dating.

Adrien: We are. We're also just really fucking stressed.

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