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English teachers put so much thought into a chapter/ poem tho, like, what if Shakespeare suddenly woke up and read the three-paragraph long explanations on a simple: where doth thou goest?

And be like:

Wait, did I really mean that...?


Me and my friend (but Grammarly keeps saying 'I' for some reason, like, how weird does that shit sound: I and my friend-)

So anyway, we had this conversation where we tried to be serious, and it went like:


>long pause<

*bursts out laughing*


When you feel you're giving an MCQ test just fine, you're even acing it and then you notice:

This is the fourth time C's your


Adrien: Father didn't raise no quitter.

Adrien: Actually, father didn't raise me at all

Adrien, slamming a letter of resignation in front of the Agreste HR: which is why I'm quitting.

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