37- Teacher Mari AU

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Aight folks it's time for Teacher!Marinette AU headcanons.

- A few of her everyday sentences:

-"Good morning, you waste of space."

-"Welcome to class, where the only thing lower than y'all's grades is my will to live."

-"I deserve a raise."

-"I don't get paid enough for this shit."

-Loves all her kids but will never say it to their faces.

-Literally THE most open-minded, easy to talk to teacher.

-Is also Ladybug but that's a fact.

-Can NOT deal with both Chat and her students.

-Needs coffee thrice a day to keep her functional.


-Is pretty but chooses to look like a fucking sleep-deprived zombie instead.

-Still prettier than you.

-HATES chemistry because her own with Adrien is complicated beyond words.

-Hopeless romantic and Class' Cupid, has set up almost half her class and ships the other half.

-Will not stand for your BS.

-Try and talk shit about her class in front of her.

-Fun fact: you will probably end up losing a limb or two.

-HATES Mondays but so does every human.

-Once her school changed the time of arrival from 9. a.m. to 7 a.m. and she arrived that day in pyjamas with black coffee to protest.

-It worked.

-Loves teaching (although she sure doesn't make it LOOK like it) but will punch you in the face if you say that.

-Literally, her ENTIRE class has a crush on her.

-Wants to go to class looking like a sloth but only shows up in a presentable state because of Adrien.

-(Adrien is also a teacher, a physics teacher because he SO looks the part.)

-(You shall get Teacher!Adrien AU headcanons soon, I guess-)

-This one kid annoys her to death so she secretly gives him more homework and the class plays along cuz why not.

-I shall probably post more Teacher!Mari stuff.

-Tell me if you want more cuz I do-


That was fun-


Adrien: Why are you standing on the table?

Marinette: I live in this house and I do whatever the fuck I want. You can not stop me.

Adrien: Where's the spider?

Marinette: In the corner, by the bed. Please kill it.

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