112- A Special Host

701 33 245

Hello, you disgraces of humanity.

I'm Chloe Bourgeois and some ridiculously dressed weirdo came up to me and told me to host today's chapter.


And you losers should seriously get a life.

Because the fact that you're here proves you don't.

Chloe, be nice!

I'm only speaking the truth. You should get a life too, you idiot.


Anyways, I've decided to make you peasants' life better and grace myself upon your unworthy useless butts.

*tears pages*


Shut up fool, I need no scripts.


Ok, so apparently, I'm supposed to tell you losers what I think of all the other losers in my class.

(Except Adrikins, of course, he's no loser. The people who simp for him are. We're clearly made for each other, extras.)

Let's start with the person who annoys me the most.


Hey, colourful pants,



I'm confused.

I can't choose between Rossi and Dupain-Cheng, they're both equally annoying-


I decided to go with Rossi.

She's a liar, a scumbag, the filthiest thing on the planet. I wouldn't even want to make her clean my shoes.

That filth doesn't deserve my classmate-ship.

And by the way, her way to summon Ladybug does NOT work.

*whispers* Rate her on annoying-ness!

I want to push her off a cliff/10.


Ugh, Dupain-Cheng's next.

She's a total klutz, can't put the dots together for shit, stupid goody-two-shoes, but still better than Rossi.

I'd let her touch-only touch-my shoes.

She's still a peasant.

Annoying-ness: 9.9/10

The 0.1 point was for her plotting against Kagami and mutual hate for Lila.

Don't tell her that or I'll buy everything you own.

Not that it's worth anything anyway.


Kim's turn, Chloe-

Who's that again?



Ahem-Ah, yes. The valentine disaster idiot.

I mean, I know it's hard to resist falling for me (I'm awesome) but before asking me out, you should have some class.

Class includes a mansion for a house, AT LEAST three cars (expensive ones), a black card for my shopping, and your mom should either be dead or your dad a sentimental hermit.

And yes, you should have daddy issues.

Chloe, you literally just described Adrien-


Annoying-ness: 8/10, I guess.


Max Kante?

Oh, the servant. Yeah, he does his job.

He could do it better.

I deserve better.

8/10 annoying.

Same rank as dares dude because these peasants gotta stick together.


*glances at next person on the list*

Alix Kubdel?

Who the f-


Nathaniel? I don't know about him, but if you touch his boyfriend, I will wipe you off the face of earth.



Seriously, who are these people?


Rose? The one who was sick?

She better stay away from me.

*puts Gucci mask on*


Alya Cesaire is one crazy woman. She's a break-into-locker thief, a psychotic conspiracy theorist and the two combined together is a recipe for disaster.

And why does she always literally throw herself towards the villain?

Gosh, she's such an attention-seeker

Someone give her a will to live/10


Nino is too lowly of a peasant (even by Marinette's standards and that SAYS something) for me to waste my rich breath on.


There's no such thing-

*yeets golden phone case into Author-chan's face*



(How the fuck is 'yeet' not added into Grammarly's dictionary-

Everyday, Grammarly lets me down.)


Who's Adrien...?

Chloe, that's-that's 'Adrikins'-



Adriki-*cough*-Adrien Agreste is the most beautiful thing on the planet. He's rich and handsome. He's got a lot of money, he's like, super-rich, 1000/1000 rich, oh, and did I mention he's really rich? And he's able to buy stuff like-

*says stuff about him for an HOUR*

And that's why I conclude that Adrikins is too cool and rich to hang out with dUpAiN-cHeNg.


You idiots can now read whatever the hell this incorrect quote thing is.

I'm exhausted.

Chloe, you've just been sitting and talking the whole time-

Whooh, I need to get an uber.


I came back because I realised I forgot to say the most important thing.

You all are ridiculous.

Utterly ridiculous.



Miracle Queen: Well of course I have

Miracle Queen: Have you ever tried going mad without power?

Miracle Queen: it's boring.

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