"I can't just leave-"

Her phone started ringing again before she could even finish her sentence. She took it back out of her pocket and declined Rumlow's call, again.

"Somebody trying to reach you?" Asked Bucky, interested.

He didn't think that she was the type to go around making friends outside of the Avengers and obviously the Avengers wouldn't call her when she was already in the tower so it must be Hydra.

"Nothing important" Savannah shrugged, placing the phone back into her pocket only for it to start ringing again.

And again-

And again-

And again-

Every time she tried hanging up, Rumlow's name would pop back up on the screen.

Savannah huffed and accepted the call. She walked away from Bucky and into the living room, forgetting that the rest of the Avengers were all sitting there.

They all stopped their conversations when they saw that she was on a call. Savannah wasn't sure if they were being nice or if they wanted to eavesdrop but she rolled her eyes and brought her phone to her ear.

"What the hell do you want-"

"Evening Princess"

It wasn't Rumlow's voice on the other end, it was Pierce. Savannah instantly straightened her posture and calmed her voice down. She wasn't supposed to be yelling at her boss.

"Sir?" Savannah moved to the corner of the room, away from the eyes of the Avengers. Although they had looked away and were talking amongst themselves, Savannah could tell some were still listening in.

"I've been trying to reach you for a while Savannah"

"Right well, I thought you were Rumlow" Savannah defended.

She couldn't think of a reason for Pierce to call her in the middle of her weekend. It made no sense, he had never done something like this.

"You should learn to trust him as well"

Savannah rolled her eyes, "With all due respect sir, you're the one who told me never to trust anyone"

She heard Pierce chuckle from the other side, "good to know you actually listened."

Savannah could see some of the eyes of the Avengers on her, she turned her back to them and she talked in a quieter tone, fully aware that a few members of the team had enhanced hearing.

"Is there something you need sir?"

Pierce sighed, "actually yes Princess, there's something I need to tell you, that I haven't told the other champions because you know I trust you more than anyone"
Savannah furrowed her brow, Pierce was sounding as if somebody died... did somebody die?
"I don't want to tell you over the phone, I'm in Germany, how fast can you get here?"

Savannah glanced back at the Avengers, "give me two hours"

"I'll give you one"

Pierce hung up the phone, Savannah stuffed it back in her pocket before turning back to the Avengers who dropped everything they were doing and looked at her, giving Savannah the impression they were listening into her side of the conversation the whole time.

"Somewhere to be?" Asked Steve with his arms crossed

"Germany" Savannah grabbed her jacket from the couch and walked toward the stairs.

Little Princess  (An Avengers/ P.M. fanfic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang