Chapter Forty-Seven

Start from the beginning

Meaning Yoongi had no idea what to do with himself in order to kill the time.

Just as he finished up his food Di-Seong walked in the room smiling at him.

"You seem happy this morning. Does it happen to have anything to do with that boy?" She said teasing Yoongi a smile on her face.

Yoongi looked down shyly. Di-Seong getting the idea and chuckling at her blushing nephew.

"What time is he getting here?" She asked.

"He said he would be here just after mid-day" Yoongi responded looking up from his lap.

"What are you going to wear?" She asked excited.

"Yoongi just scratched the back of his neck awkwardly. "This?" He said looking down at what he was wearing.

Di-Seong's eyes scanned over Yoongi's outfit before she shook her head.

"What kind of an aunt would I be if I let you meet this boy dressed like that. Sweetie you wore that yesterday" She said softly.

"I don't exactly have anything to change into. I lost my bags back in Seoul."

"Well, that confirms it, come on." She said standing up and gesturing Yoongi to follow. The male just looking at her confused.

"Were going shopping, you need an outfit that's going to know the poor guy dead on the spot." She said holding out her hand to Yoongi.

"Now come on we don't have much time." She insisted, Yoongi taking her hand being dragged out the house.


Hoseok arrived at the hotel, checking in. The receptionist handing him the key card for his room.

He picked up his bag and walked over to the elevator.

Reaching his room, he scanned his card the door opening. He walked inside throwing his bag down on the bed and looking around.

The room was nothing special, having a standard double bed, a wardrobe and a couple bedside tables. The bathroom being through a door attached to the room.

Checking the time Hoseok reached for his bag unzipping it. He wanted to change before he went to see Yoongi. He was dressed in much more cause clothes due to travelling.

Throwing together an outfit. Hoseok finished tying his shoes and stood up shoving his phone and wallet in his back pocket and walking out of the hotel room.

Hoseok's Outfit: (remember his hair is light brown so try and imagine).

Hoseok's Outfit: (remember his hair is light brown so try and imagine)

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Yoongi was sat on the end of Di-Seong's bed, the woman busy styling his hair. She had taken Yoongi out to get a new outfit. Something casual and simple but still made him look good.

Brushing the last couple strands of his blonde hair into place. He stood back smiling.

"You look stunning sweetie." She said admiring her handy work.

She walked up to Yoongi resting her had on his shoulder and bending down to his level, he was still sat on the bed.

"Your mother would be so proud of you." She said looking at him lovingly. Yoongi weakly smiled at her thanking her.

"Now, before you leave tell me about this boy. I'm dying to know after you were too embarrassed to tell me about him yesterday."

Yoongi blushed thinking of Hoseok. Just as he was about to speak the sound of the door knocking interrupted him.

His head snapped to the direction of the sound, his eyes lighting up and his heart racing.

He looked back to his aunt, her giving him a reassuring nod.

"Well go, what are you waiting for" She encouraged chuckling when he stood up from his seat and running out the door.

Yoongi ran downstairs, stopping quickly at the mirror in the hallway to check how he looked on last time 

Yoongi's Outfit: (ik it's nothing amazing but I really like it for some reason 🤷‍♀️)

Yoongi's Outfit: (ik it's nothing amazing but I really like it for some reason 🤷‍♀️)

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Yoongi stopped at the door taking a deep breath before opening the door.

Standing there in front of him was the guy he had missed more than anything. He smiled widely.

Not even giving Hoseok a chance to speak. Yoongi tackled him wrapping his arms tightly around him. Hoseok almost losing his balance at the force Yoongi came at him.

He took a deep breath breathing in the scent of Yoongi, something he didn't even know he missed. Smiling contently, he pecked the top of the elder's head.

"Hey Marshmallow."


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