Aomine x Reader

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Autobio Lovestory

Hey guys this was requested by @LandLostinTime, whom I would like to thank for so many requests at once. This was a random idea based on something I saw on his wikis page. Now then I hope y'all enjoy this oneshot.

~Fab Chi

You got home early one day before your husband could get home. Your husband, Aomine Daiki, was a policeman who worked the second shift so that he usually got home before you as you work at (D/J). A/N: D/J is dream job, just so you know guys c:

The house was kind of a mess since the two of you were constantly busy with your jobs. So you decided to clean up before Aomine got home.

You were picking up his office, tidying up his desk when you stumble upon a notebook you had never seen before. Curious of the contents, you decide to snoop and read the notebook. Immediately, you notice that it was Aomine's handwriting from high school. It was slightly sloppier, more lazy in a way. It was before he found a motivation to do things.


First year, After Winter Cup

We lost.

I lost.

I can't believe that I lost. But if anyone would be the one to do it, it would be Tetsu. It just sucks that I have to lose to his new light Bakagami.

Losing has changed basketball for me that's for sure. i have finally found the opponent that Tetsu spoke of.


Aomine continues to go on about how the lose during the Winter Cup motivated him to take basketball seriously again. You decide to skip forward since you had heard these things from Aomine personally.

You flipped through the pages until a particular title catches your eye.


Second Year, When I met her

When I first set eyes on her, it was from the rooftop. I was still doing my disappearing acts for classes, taking naps on the roof.

From there I saw her, she was reading under the cherry blossoms. A goddess with gorgeous (H/C) hair, caressed by the beauty of the cherry blossoms.

I didn't know this mysterious girl at the time, only her beauty.


A day later

The girl. Her name is (L/N) (F/N). Today was the day that she came into my life, quite literally.

Starting today (Y/N) is in my class, next to me. Honestly she could give me a reason to come to class. 

She spoke with this voice that couldn't help but entrance me. Her laugh rang out through the classroom and I swear from that moment I fell in love.

And it didn't hurt that she had a great chest on her.


You smiled to yourself, so happy that your love, your husband, loved you so. 

You hear keys in the lock, which you had locked again when you came home, as Aomine often insisted you do. You snap the notebook shut but don't hide it away. Instead you walk over to the door, notebook in hand.

"Honey I'm hom-"

"Daiki~" You say and jump into his arms, cutting him off.

"Whoa there, (Y/N)," Aomine catches you and gives you a greeting kiss. When the kiss is broke he see the notebook in your hand. "What are you doing with that?"

"Hehe, I may have read it. It was very sweet." You tell him and pull him into another kiss.

And that's the end of it guys. I know that this may seem random and out of the ordinary but I'll explain the idea behind this one. According to Aomine's wikia page, he writes an autobiography so I thought I'd play around with it. Hope you enjoyed it and thanks for reading.

~Fab Chi

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