Sakurai x Reader

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Confession 1 on 1

Hey guys, I'm writting this as an apology for taking so long on my Midorima x Reader and Kagami x Reader, the second part. This was my first oneshot that I wrote, so I'm sorry if it's bad. For me, Sakurai is one of my favorites because he is so adorable. So, in the words of Sakurai, Sumimasen for the lateness.

~Fab Chi

You were walking the halls of Touou, your face in a book like always as you head to the roof for lunch.

"-tell her, Sakurai," Aomine finishes, saying lazily as you walk out the door to the roof. Sitting there as usual is Aomine, who looked like he had been sleeping again, Momoi, who was eating her lunch and Sakurai, who glanced up at you blushing.

"Gomen, I just came up here to read. The classroom was too loud," You say, sitting near them with a book in hand.

"Sumimasen, sumimasen (Y/N)san. We'll try to not bother you," Sakurai apologizes as usual. You always found it cute how he apologizes for everything. In general, Sakurai was cute, from his constant apologies to the pout he gets when he plays basketball seriously.

"Aw come on (Y/N)chan, what are you always reading? You have so many other talents besides that, like basketball," Momoi says, snatching away your book.

"Bookworm-san here can play basketball?" Aomine says as you flick Momoi for taking the book. A/N: I'm sorry, I really felt I had to give Aomine a smart ass remark. Every time I wrote it I was laughing my ass off bc I'm a total bookworm and people know it. XD

"Yes I can, Ahomine," You answer bluntly and snatch the book back.

"Oi, don't call me that," Aomine shouts and before he could continue by saying something, Momoi cuts him off.

"(Y/N)chan and I grew up near each other. I would see her older brother teach her how to play." Momoi explained to the guys, telling your strange relationship. The two of you knew each other but at the same time didn't, seeing as how you weren't particularly close as children.

"Momoi-chan, just drop it already, I don't play basketball anymore." You say as you resume reading.

"What? Is Bookworm-san scared to basketball anymore?" Aomine teased, provoking you.

You ignore him, continuing to read. Basketball used to actually be enjoyable for you before the accident. Your brother, whom loved basketball and showed you how to love it as well, was killed in an auto accident. You haven't played basketball since that time, though you couldn't ever tell Ahom- Aomine this.

"Is it that Bookworm-san is afraid of losing? Why don't you play some 1-on-1 with Sakurai here?" Aomine challenges.

"I'm not scared of losing, you're on, Ahomine," You say annoyed by his petty challenges.

Sakurai, seemingly just noticing that he was part of the conversation, bows his head a bunch of times. "Sumimasen, sumimasen, I wasn't paying attention," he said and you wonder what he was spacing out about.

"You and Bookworm-san are going to play 1-on-1 in basketball. To make it more interesting, the loser has to confess their feeling to the person they like," Aomine says and Momoi nods and agreement.

"What the heck, Ahomine? That wasn't part of the agreement and why are you agreeing with him, Momoi-chan?" You shout as both you and Sakurai are shocked by Aomine's words.

"Come on, Bookworm-san are you scared? All you have to do is win then." Aomine teased.

"I'm sorry, (Y/N)chan but I wanna see you play basketball again plus the bet makes it more interesting." Momoi says, giving you puppy dog eyes.

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