Kuroko x Reader

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Sittin' in a Tree

Hey guys, this was requested by @Bishounenlover, I hope y'all like this one. I'm basing this on the Kuroko's alternite job as a Kindergarten teacher and also the fact that Kuroko means stagehand in Japanese theater. How that last one relates to the story, well you'll just have to read and see. Enjoy :D

~Fab Chi

You were starting a new job in Japan as a kindergarten teacher today. You were originally from America where you had taught for a few years. You were nervous since you had only studied Japanese for a few years in college but you were also excited. You head to the principal's office to speak with your new boss.

Meanwhile in Kuroko's classroom

The kids were buzzing with excitement, even though it was early. Ever since their teacher had announced that they would have another teacher with them for a while, they were very hyper.

"Is everyone ready?" The soft-spoken teacher asked.

"Hai~" the kids all reply joyfully. They were all in there place behind the large piece of cardboard that served as their stage.

"Good, we want to welcome (Y/N)-sensei to our classes nicely." The blue haired teacher says and the kids nodded in agreement.

Back in the office

"(Y/N)san, for the first few weeks of your employment here, I will have you working with one of our other kindergarten teacher, Kuroko-sensei." Your new boss told you and you nodded.

"I'll be helping with his class then," you ask.

"Yes, it's just while you are adjusting to life here in Japan, Kuroko-sensei has one of our large classes here." He says and dismisses you at that.

You were actually really glad that you would just be assisting at first.

You open the door to the classroom you were told to go to. The room was oddly dark, and your couldn't see any children.

"Where are they?" As you said that, a lamp shines somewhere in the room and your attention is drawn to a piece of cardboard that was set up in the center of the room.

A tiger hand puppet pops up from behind the cardboard and a young voice says, "Welcome to our class."

You giggle and other hand puppets join the tiger. You soon realize that the kids were putting on a puppet show for you and you watch it, laugh and really enjoying the show.

When the show was over, you applauded as the lights turn on. A man with light blue hair is the first to greet you, a soft smile on his face. "I'm Kuroko Tetsuya, the teacher of this class."

"I'm (L/N) (F/N), it's nice to meet you Kuroko-san," you say politely and shake his hand. A/N: F/N means first name and L/N means last name.

The kids begin to giggle as they came out to greet you, each of them had a hand puppet still on one of their hands.

After they all introduced themselves, you smile at them. "Thank you for the wonderful show, it was so good."

One of the girls in the class, a small pink haired girl, said, "Thank Tetsu-sensei, it was his idea to put on the show for you, (Y/N)-sensei." Can anyone guess who this girl is? *^*

"R-really? Well thank you Kuroko-san. I was actually really nervous when I first came here," you say and for some reason, blushed slightly as you were so happy that he arranged the show for you.

"It wasn't a problem, the kids were eager to do the show. Anyway, I'm glad that you enjoyed it." Kuroko says in his soft spoken way, and it almost seemed like blushed a little as well.

The kids saw both blushes and cooed, "ooooo, (Y/N)sensei and Kuroko-sensei sittin' in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G, first comes love, then comes marriage, them comes a baby in a baby carriage." So anyone know or remember this playground rhyme?

Kuroko doesn't really react to the rhyme and get the kids into their seats to begin class.

You, on the other hand, stood there, dumbstruck. So that rhyme is even here, huh? Well whatever, it's not like the rhyme didn't seem so bad anyway. Actually, it sounded very appealing.

Alright, I'm ending this here, sorry that it's not longing but I hope you like it. I have some important things in the author's note in the last chapter I post, a Kasamatsu x Reader. Anyway, thanks for reading ^3^

~Fab Chi

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