Kagami x Reader

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Seashore Summer

Hey guys this was requested by @Bishounenlover. I hope you enjoy this idea that I have. It's based on the fact the the KnB wiki said that Kagami's hobby is surfing. I just thought I could play with that a little so enjoy the oneshot. This is set during the time of their training camp where they were near the beach :D

~Fab Chi

The waves were perfect today. They were strong enough that beginners dare not go on them but for someone like you, who has grown up surfing, they were the best.

After several good hours of surfing, you flop onto your towel. You were in bliss, exhausted but blissful.

You lie there for a while, eyes shut, listening to the waves and shouts as other surfers still rode the waves.

"Whoa, look at that guy," someone calls out to you. You recognized the voice as your friend and next door neighbor. You smile and prop yourself up on your elbows so you can see the ocean.

"He must be amazing if he's getting praise from you, (G/N)," you say before actually looking out to see this surfer. A/N: G/N is guy's name.

The first thing that catches your eye is his fiery hair. It burned in the afternoon sun, complimenting his slightly dark skin tone. It seemed that he got a good amount of sun like the rest of us, as most of the surfers, including yourself, had a nice tan skin tone like his.

As for his surfing, well it was amazing. It had been forever since you had seen surfing like that. Not since your family had gone on vacation to Hawaii, and you spent your time on the beaches. He rode his white board with skill and his face...... damn his face...... it showed an expression of pure happiness. I know that Kagami lived in LA but I thought that if Reader-chan is a surfer, she should be going to Hawaii.

He didn't show off either, he had talent but he wasn't egocentric with it. That's better than most people that were here today, yourself somewhat included.

"Wow, that's awesome," you say to yourself and (G/N) plopped down next to you. He was smirking widely and you knew exactly what he was thinking.

A thud could be heard as you smacked him with your board. "Ow, (Y/N)chan, that hurt, you shouldn't be so violent." He says but he wasn't serious about it.

In response to his complaint, you push his shoulder, causing him to fall over face first into the sand. You laugh at him as he gets up, complaining about having sand in his mouth. As you laugh, you hear another laugh join yours, a deeper laugh.

You look and see that the redhead was just a foot away from you now. He was drying off now, his obvious muscles were clear at this distance. Damn he's fine...... moving on.

You get up from where you sat and grabbed your board before approaching him. "You're pretty good, you new around here?"

He looks at you, surprised that you had approached him and had spoken to him. "Um, I'm just in the area for a while and I saw people surfing. It's been a while for me though."

"Dude if that was you being rusty, I wanna see what your like when your surf everyday." You say in amazement, you wished you had skill at that kind of level.

He seemed to blush at that but it could have been a trick of the light. "Thanks for saying, but I think you were really good, so different from the surfing I've seen in the past."

You tilt your head, "where have you seen surfing in the past? Everyone here has grown up here and learn it as we grow up, myself included." At the end you had an almost smug tone in your voice.

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