Midorima x Reader

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Sweet Symphony

Hey guys this was requested by @LandLostinTime, and I'll say this again, thanks for all you gave me, I'm sorry I'm taking so long to do them but I hope you continue to enjoy them. Now without farther interruption, here's the oneshot, enjoy ^_^

~Fab Chi

You were running laps to warm up. You came to school early like every morning to practice extra for soccer. You are really good at soccer but to remain the ace, you worked hard daily.

A sweet melody danced through the air as you came near the building in your fourth and final lap.

The melody played on as you practiced. You soon found yourself dribbling the ball to its tune.

You really enjoyed the music to practice. As the days went on, you noticed more often the melodies coming from the building.

They always carry you away in their sweet sound. Before you would know it, your practice would finish, you having practiced everything mindlessly.

One day in class, you were staring out the window at where you usually practiced, thinking of the beautiful playing.

Takao, whom was a good friend of yours, approached you, dragging Midorima with him. "What's up with you, (Y/N)chan? You seem more distracted than usual." Takao comments and snaps your attention to the classroom.

"What?" You simply reply, not having heard his question.

"You know (Y/N)san, if you keep not paying attention, your grades are gonna slip, nandayo," Midorima comments, and tries to free himself from Takao's grip.

"Oh I'm sorry, I've just been thinking about this playing that I hear in the mornings while I practice," You say to the two of them.

You miss the sneaky glance that Takao sends to Midorima when he says, "you should just forget about that playing (Y/N)san, you wouldn't want it to affect your performance in soccer." With that, he yanked his wrist free from Takao's grasp and returns to his seat.

"What's with him?" You ask but Takao dismisses your question.

"Don't mind him, tell me about the playing." Takao says as he keans closer to you, causing you to lean away.

"Okay, the playing is sweet and travels on the breeze like it will just drift around the world, spreading its happiness. It makes me warm and fuzzy inside and before i know it, I'm done with my practice. It makes me want to just sit in the grass and listen forever." You say happily, smiling as you recall the tune.

"(Y/N)chan, no matter what, don't forget about the playing okay?" Takao simply say and then the teacher walks in before you could repy and Takao returns to his seat.

You promise yourself that you wouldn't forget as the class starts.

~Time Skip~

Over next few weeks, you found that the playing stopped. Not once since that promise did you hear the playing and you had been feeling gloomy ever since. the playing, which raised your spirits every morning had stopped, and not even playing soccer cheered you up.

Everyone noticed your bad moods and tried to help but to no avail.

One day, Takao approaches and you snap at him. "What?"

"Geez, what's got you in such a bad mood, (Y/N)chan?" Takao asks concerned.

"The playing has stopped," You simply mutter with your attention out the window.

"I see." Takao replies and leaves you with that, going to speak with Midorima.

~Time Skip~

After school, you were getting your shoes from your shoe locker since all of the sports didn't have practice today, when a note fell out of the locker with your shoes.

Curious, you open the note to see it simply says, "Come to the third music room after school."

You follow the note's instructions, knowing that Takao was the one who wrote it. As you approach the music room, you hear the familiar playing that you had missed so much. You pick up the pace, now running towards the music room and you burst through the door.

Within the music room, you found Midorima seating at the piano, playing until he sees you and he stops.

"Shin-chan? You're the person who would play while I practiced?" You asked in disbelief.

He cheeks redden and he nods.

"Then why did you stop playing? It made me sad that you stopped playing in the mornings." You say to him, completely honest.

"If I kept playing, it would have affected your playing in soccer." He replies meekly, obviously embarrassed.

"You're right, your playing did affect me. It made me even better. Since you stopped playing, I've been on a decline in my abilities, the coach was even thinking of making someone else ace until I got better." You admit.

"Really?" Midorima asks, looking straight into your eyes.

"Really. Your playing caught me, and made my heart sing. It made me fall in love with you." You confess, blushing slightly.

Midorima's face reddens completely and he looks away from you. "That wasn't my goal, to make you like me back, nandayo."

And that's done. did you like it? I liked it, and it turned out good considering I just started writing it with the idea to include his piano playing. Honestly, I like guys with musical abilities, but that's probably bc I'm a musician myself so yeah. Anyway thanks for reading and don't forget to check out my UtaPri oneshots that I recently started.

~Fab Chi

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