Kuroko x Reader

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Finding the Shadow-light

I'm writing this for @Haruki_Kuroko whom requested this along with their special wedding scenario oneshot. I'm sorry if I haven't updated often soon, but I got exams this week, choral stuff a lot lastr week and my after school activities have begun to take off. Though because I have exams I have been able to work on writing these requests so feel free to request more oneshots and wish me luck on my remaining 3 exams. Hope you enjoy this oneshot and sorry for any OOC. :3

~Fab Chi

 Some are born great, some achieve greatness and some have greatness thrust upon them.

It is a great quote by Shakespeare but you didn't see the world that way. Not everyone reaches greatness in their life, so the quote can't work. After all this world has those of us whom are lights like me.... jk XD and those who are shadows like you.

You browse through the school library, arms loaded with books. Once you couldn't see over the stack, you meekly sit at an empty table by yourself.

Even among the shadows, there were those who founds their light and those whom wander in the dark.

"Do I really have to?" A tall redhead whines as a bluenette pulls him into the library.

"Shhhh, Kagami-kun, this a library, lower your voice," the bluenette says quietly. You take notice to the duo but keep reading. "And yes, if you fail another test, you won't be allowed to play in the next game."

"Fine, Kuroko," Kagami sighs and sits down at a table that happens to be the one you were sitting at.

"Kagami-kun, don't you wanna sit somewhere else? Your dumbness doesn't need to rub off on others." Kuroko asks, and points over to you, reading.

"GAHHHHH!!!!!!!"Kagami shouts and both you and Kuroko shush him at the same time. "Where the hell did you come from?" He asks quietly but before you could answer, Kuroko answers for you.

"(Y/N)san was here the whole time, you're the one who sat at her table." He explains and points to your stack of books that sat on the table.

You were amazed that Kuroko, The Kuroko Tetsuya from Teiko, even knew your name. I mean you weren't in the same class as him or anything like that.

"Geez, it's like she's another Kuroko," Kagami grumbles as he moved to another table.

"Arigatou, Kuroko-kun," You say when you snap out of it. You couldn't help nut chuckle at Kagami's comment.

"No problem, see you around," He replies before going to join Kagami to help him with his Japanese.

~Time Skip~

After that encounter, you met Kuroko more and more, always with Kagami there, and slowly you fell for Kuroko Tetsuya.

One afternoon, you were in the library like usual, reading at one of the tables with a skyhigh stack of book. One of the books was removed from the stack by someone and you look up.

Standing there, holding the book, was Kuroko. "Mind if I borrow this one for a bit?"

"Ah, sure, Kuroko-kun," You answer, blushing slightly. He sits next to you with his usual static expression but you thought nothing of it since he was always like that.

"Hey, (Y/N)san, why are you always reading?" Kuroko suddenly asks after a while. It seemed like a completely odd and random question.

"Um, I don't know, I'm not really good at anything else." You respond after thinking about it for a minute. "Maybe because I'm a shadow," you mumble but Kuroko heard.

"Ne, (Y/N)san, did you know that two shadows become stronger when they join together?" Kuroko says and looks at you. A/N: I can't think of how to really phrase that, stronger isn't really the right word to explain what happens but I didn't want to write become larger bc that sounds weird to say to someone. So I'm sorry that the phrasing is really weird here.

"H-hai," You answer, nervous on where he's going with this.

"Then, would you stay with me forever? I like you, (Y/N)san," Kuroko says, blush slightly taking over his usual static face.

You were astounded at Kuroko's actions. 'He likes me? This shadow whom has found his light like me, whom is lightless?' you think. Your mind begins to run in circles around the idea and it comes across as a range of emotions in your expression.

Kuroko brings you mind to a screeching halt with his next action. He gives you a light peck on the lips and you blush like crazy.

"(Y/N)san, if you think too much, your mind will tire." Kuroko says, almost a little surprised by his previous actions.

"Thanks, Kuroko-kun, I like you too..." You confess, smiling warmly and blushing.

And that is how you, who you thought was doomed to be a lightless shadow, found your light that is also a shadow. Together, you support him, making him stronger to support his light, Kagami-kun.

And that's done. I apologize that Kuroko was slightly OOC in that and that I didn't go with the orginal idea that you, @haruki_kuroko, had requested. Anyway, 3 more exams and I hope to get more oneshots done then so let's hop. Anyway, vote and comment your opinions. :3

~Fab Chi

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