Another Author's Note

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Hey guys, sorry I haven't posted anything as of late but I kinda don't have any ideas at the moment. That and I've been lazy, not sitting down a making myself work on my requests. I love how even though I haven't post, I'm still getting a bunch of views and vote. I wanted to do something special to show my thanks for the support for my oneshots. So, I shall write a special oneshot when I get 2k views, which I hope can be in the near future. Since I have no idea what I wanna write for this special oneshot, I'm gonna propose a contest. The first one to correctly guess the most answers out of the ten questions about me, can make the request for the special oneshot. The contest is now over, sorry but here were the questions and da correct answers to dem.
1. Am I male or female? I am female, as y'all can probably tell from ma writing style.
2. How old am I? (Hint: I'm in highschool) I am 14 years old, a freshman in highschool. Does dat surpirse anyone?
3. Am I a fujoshi? Totally, hell yeah. A motto of mine is yaoi is love, yaoi is life. XD
4. What do you think my first sports anime was? Believe it or not, it is Kuroko no Basket, which my older sister made me watch and now I'm obsessed with sports anime.
5. What was my cosplay I was thinking of wearing during trick or treating? (Hint: I said this in one of my oneshots, though it could be either collection) My cosplay was Rei from Free!
6. What was my first x Reader oneshot ever? My first oneshot was my Sakurai x Reader.
7. What country am I from? I live in America, yay -cheers sarcastically-
8. What's my like number one ship? (Hint: It is listed in my bio) My number on ship is Syo x Ai from Uta no Prince Sama
9. Who is the character in my profile picture/ who my username is based off of? My name and picture were inspired by Syo from UtaPri.
10. Who is my favorite KnB character? I have said dis but I just love SAKURAI so much!!
Bonus Question, which is your opinion:
11. Do I suck at writing? Do you like my stories?
Okay guys, that's the answers to my questions, and the winners, whom I had 2 of, were @AnimeLU and @Haruki_Kuroko. So I shall private message the two of you to ask what special requests you want an I'll try to do both. I would like to ask my friend @FandomLover22 to refrain from answering since I know she knows these answers. Thanks I all I wanted to say so thanks for reading and I hope some people shall answer, I look forward to the answers. Again thanks for all views and votes and I hope that I can write this for you all.
~Fab Chi

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