Kagami x Reader

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Good luck from a Stranger?

Hey guys, I'm back bc I got this request from @anastacia110419. Thanks for requesting this one, I hope chu enjoy it. This one will probably have a second part to it, if someone requests it. Also I'm sorry if I have incorrect details, I tried really hard to research these details, such as the time difference and flight time from LAX to Japan. Also there may be OOC, so I do apologize for that. Also any writing that is in italics is the characters speaking in English. Also the reader is American, sorry but I'm American so I wanted to use that as an idea. Anyway, enjoy da story.

~Fab Chi

You gaze out the window upon suburban Los Angeles. Two Japanese boys walk by, one with black hair and one with dark red hair. They are joined by other kids when they arrive at the basketball court.

You watch as the kids play several games. 'Man, they look like they are having so much fun, curse my weak body,' you think as you gaze back down at your book on Japan.

~7 years later~

"(Y/N), be safe, okay?" Your mom calls as you heard towards security in LAX.

Going through security, all you could think about was how excited you are to get to go to Japan. After studying hard, you were able to find a foreign exchange program to Japan.

Japan has always interested you since you were forced to stay inside throughout your childhood. With a weak body, you got sick very easily, so you studied and even taught yourself Japanese.

As you waited to board the plane, you could barely sit still. Sitting on your left was a large teenager with red hair and eyebrows that were split in two parts.

"Excited to go to Japan?" The guy asks, noticing your restlessness. He spoke English, though it was heavily accented. 'He's Japanese, maybe,' you guess judging from his accent and appearance.

"Yes, I've been wanting to go to Japan since I was little," You reply happily.

The attendant began calling seats and you gather your carry-on. Once you get on the plane, you grab your phone and a book out of your bag to entertain yourself. Setting your items on your seat, which happens to be a window seat, you struggle to get your bag into the overhead compartment. Due to your health conditions as a child, your body was always small so you couldn't reach.

"Need some help?" You hear and turn around to find the guy from before. With him now standing, you can really see just how large he is.

"Very much so, arigatou," You reply, and hand him the bag. As he puts it into the compartment, you sit and get comfortable.

"So, you speak Japanese?" He asks as he sits down next to you, which happens to be his seat.

"Hai, I kinda taught myself when I was little, so it probably isn't that great," you reply and glanced down at the book in your hand. It was one of your many books on Japan, though it had many tabs, marking different pages and some papers tucked inside of the book. Once you were accepted for the foreign exchange program, you began studying Japan even more.

"Wow, that's a lot of stuff, are you a honors student or something?" He asks, looking at the book curiously.

"Yeah kinda, I'm actually coming to Japan as a foreign exchange student," You say proudly. Actually until middle school, you had been home schooled due to your weak health. Even in middle school, you would, only on a few occasions, have to miss several days for health related issues. But you studied about three times as hard as anyone else.

"I see, well good luck because you are coming to Japan at a weird time in the school year," He says and yawns, You were aware that being winter, they were already into the second term of the school year but you had to finish middle school school during early June, the American way. Actually you were supposed to start during the beginning of the second term but some health matters kept you from traveling to Japan until now.

"I understand that they are already into the second term, starting soon it will be the Winter Cup for the high school basketball teams. Knowing this, I am determined to not fall behind, because I really want to stay in Japan." You say, speaking a mile a minute and only taking a breath after you have said it all.

"Actually, the Winter Cup starts tomorrow, my team is playing," He says proudly.

"Really? Will you make it in time?" You asked worriedly because the flight was gonna be 11 1/2 hours and it was already 11 o'clock at night in Japan.

"Don't worry, I'll make it there on time. Honestly there is no way I'd miss the Winter Cup. I want to win this year so that our senpai can fulfill their promise," he says with a gleam in his eye.

"I see, I love basketball though I've never played it before. Some kids in my neighborhood would always play it at a court right near my house and I would watch." You say, slight envy sat in your voice.

"It's okay, not everyone is made and built to play basketball. There are some people who play basketball because they have the built even though they have no desire. honestly it also works both ways, my teammate, he is a very small guy but he loves basketball. He actually doesn't have skill either but he developed a style to play that he is good at," He says, proud of his brilliant shadow.

You were in shock at his heartwarming words. "Wow that was deep," You said in awe.

"Haha, you think so? Honestly I'm not that smart like you seem to be," He admits, scratching the back of his head.

You blush and stare at the book in your hand. "Nah, I'm not that smart. Sure, I get good grades on tests but I don't really have much life experience. Coming to Japan is my first major adventure."

He chuckles, "Well if you don't get good grades then you probably won't be too successful in life, ne?"

"I guess you're right," You say and began to read your book. During your conversation, the plane had taken off, so you plan to relax for the next 11 1/2 hours.

~Time Skip~

The flight had now landed and you spent the flight sleeping, reading and talking with that guy.

Once you were off the plane, you saw him panic and you chuckle. 'I guess he forgot the time difference,' you thought.

He rushed to leave but as he was leaving, he flashed you a bright smile and shouted, "Good luck, Miss, and welcome to Japan."

Seeing his smile, you realize that he was one of the Japanese boys that lived in your neighborhood. His name was Kagami Taiga. (Last name, first name)

"Good luck at the Winter Cup, Taiga," you shout back and head to pick up your luggage.

A look of confusion spread across Kagami's face as he rushed to get to the tournament. 'How does that girl know my first name?' Kagami wondered.

To be Continued?

So like I said I'll write a second part to this as long as someone wants me to. After this I'm writing a Midorima x Reader that was requested of me which I'll try to have posted by tomorrow. Okay so did you like it? Sorry that Kagami is a little OOC but I hoped chu liked it.

~Fab Chi

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