31. Something Missing

Start from the beginning

"So far USA and Portugal had contact with China and the motive to kill him. Even though the motives aren't very strong. China's death would help Portugal to fight of the accusations against his rehabilitation clinic, but if they find out that he killed a man, then he would lose his doctor license and it is very precious to him. USA didn't have any motive to kill China before, but he has a very strong hatred against the Red Sickle. He could have found out that China was working with them and thus killing him, but USA always carried a pocket knife with him and he's a strong man. With ease he would throw China and the knife over board. There have to be something that I didn't notice before because nothing makes sense. Especially because the murder happened on a ship. Why killing him now! Couldn't they wait till they arrived the harbor? On land they have it way easier to ran away and it would be a lot easier to blame a stranger to the murder."

"Maybe the murderer had limited time?" I assumed and felt how a well-known pain rose in my knee. Sitting down wasn't an option so I have to move a little bit around to ease the pain. I took a couple of steps around. There wasn't a lot of space.

I took a couple of steps aroumd the bodies. Unwillingly my eyes were glued to China. The wide open eyes and mouth will surely haunt me at night. What I noticed now is how bad his teeth looks. I'm not a dentist, but I noticed that his teeth had different colors. Some of them where bright. I assume those were implants and the rest of the teeth looked decayed or in a really bad shape.

"For a rich guy he surely don't know how to take care of his teeth." I commented. Germany eyed me judgemental. I know I should respect the dead, but it's still strange for me that someone who can earn dental care, still having bad teeth.

With a tired sigh Germany answered,"It's probably from his drug abuse. Opium give a higher risk of tooth decaying." She ended her sentence and narrowed her eyes with a deep frown on her face. As if she tried to remember something. "His opium pipe was empty."Germany mumbled.

"And?" I asked confused. What has it to do with the murder. "He probably just forgot to take it with him."

She shook her head and explained, "You can't forget your addiction. It's impossible. Especially when he knew that this trip will take a week. He was already in a very stressful and bad shape before he got murdered."

"If he didn't forgot to pack his drugs and it's nowhere to be found, then where is it?" She spoke her thoughts out loud while writing everything down.

I felt how the cold randown on my spine. That's it! I won't stay longer inside the room. "Can we go? I have the feeling that the room gets colder."

Germany looked up from her notebook. "Since when are you the one rushing around?"

Slightly shivering I walked to her and said, "Since I slowly turn into a popsicle. Do you need more time with the corpse?"

"No. I think I won't find anything more from the body. Let's go to the infirmary." Germany closed the notebook and put it back inside her pocket. I helped her to stand up and together we finally went out from the freezer. Finally some warm air. Minute longer and I would probably catch a cold.

Germany pov.

On the way to the infirmary I couldn't get my mind away from the missing drug. China couldn't hide it because I searched through his room and baggage. He also couldn't just forget it. The only option left was someone took it away from him, but why?

I startled at the sound of knocking. Austria hit his fist against the door to the infirmary. I was to deep in my thoughts that I didn't notice that we arrived there.

The door opened and Hungary greeted us surprised, "Hi I didn't expected you both to come?"

"I have a couple questions for Poland to ask." I explained to him. For a second he gave a concerned face before he changed it back to a neutral one and said, "Sure. We're right now having breakfast. You two can join if you want."

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