♡𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧 - 𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐢𝐞 𝐩𝐢𝐞 ◡̈

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Scoffing you slumped into the front seat Gojos car. "If there was a party you'd be the first person I'd call but that's not the case".

Sensing his serious tone at the end of his sentence you sat up looking toward him. "Good to know but why do you still wear that blindfold when driving. I mean it's better then the old bandages but when was the last time you washed it? You probably wash your butt with it".

Thinking his eyes were set on the road ahead you sneakily tried to lift the blindfold over his head...that was until your hand was felt with a smack to the hand.

"Oww" rubbing your hand to try to ease away the slight sting. Using your other you lifted up a plastic bag with cans of coke and popcorn inspecting it.

"So what's all this for?"

"You'll see" parking the car into some shady area Gojo flashed you a smile taking the keys out of the car.

Walking down the steep steps you saw a kid sleeping on the couch. "Who's pinkie pie?"

Setting the grocery bag on the table Gojo sighed. "He couldn't even stay awake for a few minutes". Side eyeing you Gojo gave you a mischievous look which you got the hint.

Taking out your phone you played an air horn. "ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE" "RUNN" "AHH HELP"

Itadori went practically flying off of the couch. "Ha Wow HaHa Pinkie pie HA". You didn't even know him and you and you couldn't even breathe from laughing at his actions while Gojo was like a copy of you.

"Wha-WHaTs going on?!?". Noticing a unfamiliar face Itadoris face scrunched with confusion but at the same time tried to slower his fast heart rate from the scare.

High-fiving Gojo your laughter settled down for Gojo to explain why you were both here.

"Itadori since everyone believes your dead- Wait holdon Pinkie pie here's supposed to be dead?" Cutting of Gojo you pointed to Itadori beside you.

"Mhm he ate sukunas finger". Shock evident on your face you nodded for him to proceed.

"Your going to practice on your cursed technique by watching movies with this guy". Gojo handed Itadori the principals cursed corpse which you snickered at.

Adjusting it in his hands Itadori sweat dropped. "What's with this ugly-cute doll I'm not getting anything from it".

Then out of no where the doll punched Itadori in the chin making Itadori hold his face from pain.

"The cursed corpse will attack you if it doesn't receive a constant flow of cursed energy". Gojo explained adjusting his uniform.

"As you see there's a tons of variety's of movies on the table, now for you Y/N your here to make sure he doesn't leave". Saluting you grabbed 2 cokes. "Sounds good to me".

"Looks like I gotta go Y/N I'll tell your classmates your on a mission". The tune that Gojo was whistling became more light as he walked out of the shack. Feeling a dent in the couch you looked to your right to see Pinkie Pie sitting beside you.

Tossing him a coke earning a small thank you from him. "So Pinkie Pie are you friends with Megumi?". Hearing his friends name Itadori focused his interest to you.

"Yeah how do you know him?".

"I'm a third year and grew up with him if you'd like to say." Recalling your introduction the other day you chuckled "Plus him and Nobara were acting all depressed the other day so I'm going to guess it was over you ".

"Oh okay...". Getting off the couch you crouched down and inserted a DVD into the DVD player.

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A few movies and punches later Itadori sprawled out along the couch while you on the other side sat cross crossed.

"NOO what are you doing the killers that way!!"

"Grab the knif- noo not the banana"

Watching as the killer approached the girl shortly after killing her you shrugged. "They write these people in horror movies so stupid".

Nodding Itadori took some popcorn tossing it into the air. "Yeah though I'd probably die first in a horror movie". Catching the popcorn in your mouth a laugh erupted from your throat.

"I probably wouldn't.....actually yeah me too"

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