♡𝐬𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧 - 𝐬𝐮𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐧 ◡̈

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licking your ice cream with a smile across your facial features you watched as Maki opened her purse taking out your credit card, and swiped it to pay. Nobara sat at one of the booths licking her Strawberry ice cream.

Walking over to the booth you and Maki sat side by side. "Mmph I'm so tired~". Leaning on Maki's shoulder you continued to enjoy your ice cream. "Well wake up" Maki grumbled. Looking up at her you gave her a playful glare while Nobara just giggled at how you two acted toward each other.

"Anyway Kugi what part of Japan are you from?". Turning your head back toward her while she stopped licking her ice cream. "I'm from the eastern nor-". Before Nobara could finish her sentence a girl walked to the front of your booth where you were sitting at making Nobara stop and glare at her while Maki did the same.

This going unnoticed by you, you kept licking your ice cream. "Would you date me?". Looking away from your ice cream you saw a girl standing in front of you. "eh not really I kinda got my eyes set on someone, you know" you replied giving her a closed eye smile.

The girl then quickly ran to her friend group that was waiting outside. Maki's face looked confused by your answer with a tad bit of jealousy.  "The audacity with people ugh it really gets me mad". Disgust is written all over Nobaras face. "Yup but what can you- Aww, they burnt my fucking cookie, assholes".

Nobara started laughing at your statement which you joined along while Maki only chuckled. Ripping the cookie to the non-burnt part you tossed it into your mouth.

"Maki what flavor do you have?". Looking at her ice cream it had different colors. "Superman". "I like Superman too, what about him?". Maki groaned in disappointment while Nobara started laughing causing you to look her way confused. "Dumbass the flavors name is superman".

"Ohh okay can I try it?". Leaning toward her ice cream Maki pulled her ice cream away leaving a frown on your face. "No of course not it's mine".

"Wait is that a dildo on that candy cabinet". While Maki looked to where you pointed you took a bite of her ice cream. "What? Where it's not there". Looking down at her ice cream Maki got mad looking at how part of her ice cream was gone.

"You idiot why couldn't you just ask to try the flavor when you were picking!?". Smiling at her reaction you just shrugged your shoulders. Maki just ate the rest of it that was left.

"Okay well seems like we're all done let's get going, what time is it?". Picking up the bags beside you, you scooted over to exist the booth you three walked to the exist.

"Holy shit". Peering over Nobaras shoulder the time read 8:00 P.M. "It's fine if we're la-".

"Idiot it's not fine if we're late, let's go we gotta hurry to the train" An irk appearing on Maki's temple-like always. "Well if you say so!". Grabbing the two girls' wrists you started running causing them to be dragged by your sudden force.

              ━━━━━━ ◦ ⋅ ♥ ⋅ ◦ ━━━━━━

Arriving at the dorms Nobara went to her dorm which was on the way to Makis. Stopping at Maki's dorm she opened the door. "Good night loser". Before closing the door you leaned in for a kiss. Instead of feeling another pair of lips, you felt a hand.

"Nope. Good night". Closing the door you sighed in defeat. '20 percent there is starting to feel like 10 percent now'. Walking to the other side of the dorms you came across your dorm and entered it. Laying down on your bed you opened up your phone.

Going on TikTok the first video on your FYP was some guy thrusting in a Light cosplay. "This is my final straw, I'm deleting TikTok".

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