Overhaul saw me struggling once he got in the car and leaned over, bulking me in. During the ride he kept making jokes here and there until we arrived to his place.

"Uh, Overhaul shouldn't you take me back to my place?" He didn't answer but got out and opened my door.

"I know but I'm still not done with my apology. Come in, please" he held his gloved hand out. I took it and we walked back into his house, there was petal of flowers leading to a room. I looked at Overhaul.

"Follow the flowers and you'll be sleeping there. Everything you need is in there" Overhaul stated.

I bit my lip, following the flowers and opening the door. The bed had the designer bags, clothing and the other stuff he showed me earlier. But,, more. I looked back, walking back to him.

"Thank you, for the dinner and all this. I appreciate it but I still don't forgive you" I said.

I hear him chuckle lightly over the black mask, that reminds me.

How the hell did he even eat his food? I barely remember him taking his mask off. I guess I was too busy with the view and laughing.

"Fine by me. I'll be at the end of the hall if you need me alright?" He asked.

I nod,
"Yes sir. Thanks, again"

I lean in, kissing him even through his mask.

"Goodnight, Mr. Overhaul"

I close the door and feeling my heart beating fast.

Holy fuck I kissed him. Holy shit!

I put my hands over my heated face and feeling my body getting suddenly exhausted. I clear off the bed and immediately pass out.



I wake up to the smell of eggs and bacon. I sigh, getting up and stretching as I hear my bones popping.

I grab the throw blanket over me and followed the smell of breakfast into the kitchen. Overhaul was standing there only in grey joggers. He didn't even have his mask, only his gloves were on.

He looked like he just woke up since his hair was a bit messy, even then he looked so attractive, his skin was smooth and his lips were perfect. I instinctively thought of my lips on his but then my eyes travelled down and noticing a tattoo of a triangle on his chest. He even had a six pack that I didn't even think about in the first place, he was lean but for sure a bit bulk.

"I'm guessing you like what you see" his morning voice was deeper than usual but smooth.

I clear my throat, sitting at the same island stool.

"Sorry. Goodmorning" I said.

"Goodmorning to you too Y/n. Sleep good?" Overhaul asks while I yawn and nodding my head.

"Whatsup with that tattoo?" I ask him

"Nothing actually. Just always wanted one. Got it when I was 16. Stupid idea though" he says as he hands me a plate.

We both ate our food and I helped him with the cleanup.

"I forgive you" I mumble as I put the dish away.

"Yeah?" Overhaul faces me and I look at him. My chest fluttering, seeing as though he was close to me. I nod.

"Yeah" I said.

He holds the side of my face as his thumb caresses my cheek and I instinctively lean in and closing my eyes.

"Stay with me, y/n. I like it when you're around" he spoke in that same deep morning voice but in such a soft tone, as if his words were going to break me.

I look up at him, seeing his golden yellow eyes staring back at me.

"Moving in sounds too much for me. But..  I do like to be around you. Only when you're not being an asshole" I said.

He smiles, a smile I longed to see. He ended up cupping my face, giving me a small kiss on my nose.

"Don't go back to Mirko okay? You're mine now, you can't act like you feel something like I do for you" his forehead touches mine, he didn't want to look at me when he said that.

I licked my lips and bit on it, thinking it over but Overhaul lifts my head up by my chin and his thumb hovering over my lip.

"This lip, I always wondered what it tasted like" before I could think to say something, his lips were on mine.

He kissed me so deeply and slowly, like it was the last time he was going to see me. It made my chest feel so light but heavy, my stomach felt a million butterflies. It felt- right. With Mirko it didn't, it only pure lust. With Overhaul, it was something right.

I wrapped my arms behind his head and he lifts me ontop the counter without breaking his lips apart from mine. I was unable to focus on anything else but to kiss him while he held me close. I wrapped my legs around his hip and his hands riding down to my hips and up my shirt. Our breathing began getting heavier as he sucked onto my lip, pulling softly and smashing his lips back onto mine. It was getting overwhelming, I wanted him to fuck me now. I moan softly.

"Overhaul, please" i breath out from the second he pulled away.

He grips onto my thigh, riding his hand up and down while his other hand went up massaging my breast.

"Overhaul, please, please" I spoke a bit louder in such a moaning voice.

He stops and looks at me intently.

"Yes my Darling?" Overhaul questioned.

I blush at realizing of i wanted and he noticed by my expression, so he smirks and kisses me.

"Come on baby, say it. Say what you want and I'll just maybe give it to you" he moves his lips onto my neck, noticing the hickies and he pulls away.

Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck.

He wraps his hand over my throat while his thumb runs over the hickey. He looks up at me.

"Are there any more?" Overhaul questioned in a boring tone.

I nod.

"Show me" He demanded.

I lift my shirt, the one on my hip and below my stomach. He sighs deeply and lightly choking me.

"Here is what's going to happen Darling. I am going to tease you, edge you on till those hickies fade. That will be your punishment, do you understand me darling?" Overhaul asked.

I nod,
"Yes sir, I understand"

He retracts his hand and kisses ontop of my head.

"That's my good girl. Go get cleaned up and I'll take you back to your place" he walked out the kitchen without a second glance.

Well... rather have this than being called a whore.

Reckless. Reader X Overhaul - COMPLETE Where stories live. Discover now