Walking slowly up the stairs, he reached out to remove his tie fully, letting it slip onto a step. And he pushed at the slightly open door to enter their dimly lit room, seeing a scene which made him so much more harder he was afraid for a second he'd come just then.

Harry was on his back on their bed, eyes scrunched close and head tipped onto a pillow, hair an absolute beautiful disaster. Legs spread and ankles on the different sides of the creaking bed. Mouth open, letting out loud moans, soft mewls and occasional keening cries, tongue sometimes darting out and licking at his very red and plump lips. A hand was clutching onto the sheets, tanned fingers white from the strain. The other hand was grasping at the headboard. His sweaty, tanned with a few pink scars from childhood abuse from a foster family, and taut body was trying to move with the purple vibrating toy in his arse, that was almost snug against his perineum. And his hard cock bouncing against his stomach, pre-cum leaking from the angry red head.

Draco knew that the toy was a bit smaller than his own cock, and clucked his tongue as he saw his hand clutching at the sheets search around blindly for the remote lying near his hips, "Ah ah, you aren't allowed to increase the speed on your own, baby".

His dilated green eyes shot open with a gasp, and they landed on him, watching with a strained smirk as he reached over the footboard to clasp at the remote, turning the vibration one set up with his smouldering grey eyes fixed on him for the delicious reactions he received.

"Dray!", Harry squealed, scrunching his eyes close, letting his mouth fall fully open and snapping his hips in the warm air, head moving from side to side, "Fuck fuck fuck-".

His glaring eyes sought out to his smug ones as he turned the vibrations to the lowest setting, setting it on the bed and licking his lips as his tanned thighs moved to rub against each other, trying to get as much friction as possible.

Draco groaned as he saw that, swiftly removing his shirt buttons and letting it fall slowly onto the ground behind him, then clucked his tongue as he saw  his husband's foot try and desperately reach towards the remote, hoping to get towards the button, "Oh no, darling, you can come only when I want you to".

Harry whined, rolling his hips and trailing his right hand from his pillow towards his hard cock, uncaring of the stern call of his name, "F- fuck you- u".

"Oh? But isn't it supposed to be fuck me?", He smirked down at him, making his back arch with a wanton cry as he turned the vibration all the way to the maximum, his hand went back to clutching at his pillow and eyes snapped close again.

"Fuck Harry, do you know how much hard you have made me now? Do you want to know what all things I want to do to you at this instant?", He panted towards him, making him nod vigorously at him and let out a scream of his name.

"I want to shackle you to our bed, arse up and face down. And then, I want to rim you. Fuck you mercilessly with my tongue, make you orgasm so many times that even when you go back to work the day after, every time you walk you'll remember what I had done to you. Your colleagues would ask about the lines on your wrists, and you won't be able to tell them anything, because then your colleagues would know that their five times Best Employee of the year submits to his husband and begs to fuck him senseless atleast twenty-one times a week".

Harry opened his eyes, trying to plead with them as his mouth could only moan, keen and scream. The heat in his stomach was increasing bit by bit, his arse was surely red from the delicious abuse and his husband's lustful eyes staring into him as he dirty talked didn't help to satiate his imaginative mind. And the round head of the toy hadn't even found his prostate yet.

"I feel like marking every single part of you, from your neck to your thighs. You won't be able to see most of them, but you will feel it. I want to bend you over our bed, tease you open with my mouth, then fuck your warm arse, overstimulate you too if you want me to".

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