I led the new horse around to the side and tied the reigns to my other spare horse. It wasn't good for speed but if a titan got this far in I'd just release both of the horses to escape.

"There, you can join us now little buddy." I said as I pet the horse. "Now let's get back on the rode before we bump into the squad behind us."

I walked back around and hopped back up onto my horse before we both took off again. Only about five minutes after the horse showed up purple smoke went up nearby. Judging from the position it should be Jean or maybe Reiner if things went really bad.

"That's the emergency signal." Krista pointed out. "And we just found a horse, that must be the person who he belongs too."

"Jean should be round about there right now! We have to go krista! I can't loose him too!" I said.

Krista nodded and we took off in that direction. As we approached the position of the signal we saw three people and one horse. Armin, Reiner and Jean, our three classmates were stranded with no way to keep going.

"Hey guys! You alright!?" Krista called.

"Well damn, that's my little runaway." Jean said as he spotted our newly found horse. "Easy Bushwald, it's okay, I forgive you."

"Poor thing, ran to us like the devil was on his tail." Krista said. "If Nyx didn't grab him he would have kept running."

"You guys fought a titan didn't you. Thank god you're okay Jean." I said as I hopped down from my horse and hugged him.

"I'm fine Nyx. No need to worry." Jean said.

"Oh no! Armin, your head. You've been hurt." Krista said in concern.

"It's nothing, I promise." Armin said.

"I'm impressed someone actually answered our distress signal. A lot of people wouldn't have risked the trek out here." Reiner said.

"To be honest, I probably would have told krista to ignore it and keep going if we hadn't found the horse first. That and I knew you or Jean should have been in this position by now." I said.

"I'm just glad you're all okay." Krista said.

"We should probably rejoin the formation before we all get stranded out here without the smoke signals." I said.

"Yeah, they'll order our retreat any minute now." Jean said.

Reiner helped me mount my horse again even though I was capable of it on my own. Jean and Armin took my two spare horses and then we started riding again to hopefully rejoin the formation in a position that could be reached by the smoke signals.

"I'll just come out and say it, I'm glad we survived but heading back after only an hour isn't something to be proud of if you ask me. While we're on the subject is anyone else wondering why she's heading away from the command squad?" Jean said.

"She?" Krista asked.

So they encountered Annie. The idiot should have killed Armin and Jean so that they couldn't figure her out. I guess she's hoping we get Eren on the first try and she can leave before her identity is revealed. Just then green smoke shit up from around the formation.

"Green smoke!?" Jean exclaimed.

"I guess we're not heading back afterall, just changing course." Armin said.

"Yeah but that doesn't make sense." Krista said.

"What the hell is going on? Is CommanderErwin out of his mind?" Jean asked.

"Every one of us has the ability to declare the mission failed. Why isn't anyone speaking up?" Reiner said.

"We haven't reached the commander's target yet." I said.

"What do you mean?" Reiner asked.

"When I played chess with the commander a week or so ago he said he wanted to take us through a forest for whatever reason. Something about testing out a plan or gear or something along those lines, he wasn't too specific. We haven't hit the forest yet so he won't turn us around." I said. "There's also the fact that the right wing spotters were taken out by a horde. They'll still be around there if we turn back now. I think he's waiting for them to dispurse a bit first."

"Either way I think our course is clear. Command's got this." Armin said before firing off green smoke.

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