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"Absolutely the fuck not Ayana, are you kidding?!"
I rubbed my hand on my forehead as I sat in Janelle's living room "I know J okay....I know"
"I don't think you do, I don't support the madness"I sighed "I feel like I have to hear him out, he seemed so desperate"
"Desperate for some pussy" she looked at me with a straight face as I gasped "Oh don't give me that shit okay, he knows you Ayana and he knows your vulnerable and probably figures he can manipulate you to spreading your legs open for him..... again" I didn't want to believe that "But you didn't see the look on his face Janelle"
"I don't have to, I really don't think you should even give him a chance to speak...I seen what happened to you when he left okay and I was seriously worried about you, you were so heartbroken and I just don't want to see you like that again" I understood what she was said and I appreciated Janelle for caring about me so much but love makes you do stupid things.

I heard a sigh "and by the look on your face I see you made a decision" he face was full of disappointment "Janelle I have to—"
"If you say see it through my boy I will throw you out" I laughed cause that's exactly what I was gonna say "okay all jokes aside, I love him and I know it's probably not a good idea but I have to hear him out or at least get some type of closure" She nodded "okay closer is good so you can close this chapter of your life"
"Or open a new chapter with him" She rolled her eyes "you were so pro us a years ago and now you hate him"
"Precisely, that was before he dismissed you but not to say you were right about what you said before he left cause I don't know what the fuck that was" I put my face in my hand "I know, I was just mad and just talking" She nodded understandingly "he kept saying that there were somethings he needed to explain and that it was deeper than what it was" She looked at me confused "Exactly, don't you want to know what he means" I could see her thinking about it then rolled her eyes "That is not fair cause you know I'm nosy, of course I wanna know what he meant" I laughed sipping my coffee "I just want to get it over with, our chapter will never be closed unless I talk to him" just then my phone rang but it wasn't Carter, it was my mom.

"Are you gonna answer it?" Janelle asked and I shook my head "Do they even know you passed your test?" I shook my head and she sighed "I honestly haven't had a chance but I really don't feel like entertaining her ego today"  I wasn't in a hurry to tell her I passed because I knew she was just gonna make it seem as if I wouldn't have made it without her or as if she was going through the same struggles as me and then she'll fly me out to have a big dinner to gloat to all her friends and to paint a picture of a perfect family when we were far from it.

How do I know? She did the same thing to my brother and I just didn't have the time.

Janelle and I said our goodbyes then I headed back home although I can honestly say it hasn't felt like home since he left.

I sat in the living room after fighting myself for like 30mins on if I should call Carter or not, I'm sure you can guess what I decided on.

I sighed
"Can we just....get this over with now?"
"I'll be over in 10"

I anxiously waited for him for 20 minutes which had me irritated and my stomach in knots.

I heard a knock at the door and there stood Carter with a small smile on his face and a Bouquet of tiger lilies mixed in with other flowers, I shook my head and went to sit down on the couch with him following behind me.

"I'll let you speak because, I just really have nothing to say to you and...I just want this done" he said across from me and nodded.

"You have to know that walking out that door was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do..." I rolled my eyes "Bullshit Carter, if your gonna lie then we can ju—"
"I'm not lying Ayana, I wouldn't have walked out that door unless I had to, even after everything you said but it just so happen I didn't have a choice" I sighed rubbing my forehead "Okay Carter...I'll entertain the thought, explain"
"Your Dean...she knew" I shook my head "She suspected" I said "No. she knew. After you ran out that day she came and asked questions...she came back and showed me pictures...of us" I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion "Of us on a date, giving you a ride, and kissing you. She had evidence and still to this day I don't know how she got it but she gave me a choice, it wasn't enough to quit anymore"
"She wanted you to leave Jackson?" He nodded " She told me that it would be best for you and if I didn't leave then she would expel...now what would you have expected me to do?" I scoffed "Tell me! Let me know what's going on not breaking me down" he sighed rubbing his hands down his face "and would you have let me leave?" I didn't exactly know how to answer that.

He got up and walked towards me "Would you have let me leave knowing the truth? No because you would have sacrificed your career for me and I made it so you didn't have to"
"Instead you broke me?"
"I broke you because I loved you and I knew you were going to be too stubborn to let me leave" he squatted in front of me "Walking out that door was the second hardest thing I had to do..."
"What's the first?" He grabbed my hands
"Telling you I didn't love you" I hadn't realized how close we were now, I was so lost in his eyes and I knew this could probably be the biggest mistake but I love him and he knew that.

Our lips met for the first time in a year and it was electrifying, our lips moved in sync passionately but eagerly. I straddled his lap as he fell back on the floor, he gripped my waist then my ass pulling me closer as if I wasn't close enough . I couldn't help
the tears that escape my face "Why are you crying?" He said leaning away from me out of breath but I couldn't talk, my emotions were building up "I'm sorry I hurt you, I fell in love with you by accident but I regret nothing about that" he said looking in my eyes and I nodded reconnecting my lips to him.

I never thought I could fall so hard for someone but damn I'm happy I did ......

My Professor  {18+}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora