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The light came on and there sat Carter on the couch.

That was enough to sober me up mostly

"What...what are you doing here?" I said sitting up but still on the floor "To see you" he had on a black shirt and grey sweatpants "You look...sexy and beautiful" he said leaning forward and looking at me intensely "I heard you passed your test" I nodded slowly still confused on if I was just drunk or if he was really here "Congratulations" to say I was speechless would be an understatement.

What do you say to the man that left you broken hearted and shows up a year later like everything is sweet?

"You son of a bitch" he put his head down "You heartless spineless conniving piece of shit, are you kidding me right now?! What the fuck are you doing here after all this time and what in the hell makes you think I want to see you?" I said taking off your shoes "I know your mad but I can—"
"Mad?! No I'm past mad Carter. I'm pissed and I want you to leave" I said standing up and stumbling to the door "I don't even know how you got in here" I said but mostly to myself, he stood up and walked towards the door "Please just let me talk to you"
"No fuck you"
He sighed "look I know that what I did was...I just need to explain to you why i—"
"I think it's funny how when I wanted to talk to you, you made it clear that you didn't want me anymore and you expect me to give you the respect I didn't get in return?"
"There is more to it then that" he said but I wasn't trying to hear none of that
"Fuck you... You bitch ass Nig—" I got cut off by him grabbing me and turning me around so that my back was against his chest and one of his hands around my neck pulling back and the other around my waist.

Suddenly I wasn't sure if I actually wanted him to leave.

"Remember who your talking to Ayana. I know your mad at me so I'll let it slide for tonight but tomorrow we'll talk...when your not thinking base on the alcohol and weed in your system Ight?" He still had control over my body whether I liked it or not so I nodded and he let me go but not before rubbing his hands down my body making moan then kissing my neck.

"I'll see you tomorrow " as soon as he walked out the door I missed his presence but I was way too tired to even dwell on what happened so I just collapsed on my bed for the rest of the night.

When I woke up my head was killing me and I was still in my dress. My body ached and I desperately needed a shower so I got in reminiscing about last night hoping it was a dream, it had to be a dream because Carter wouldn't be stupid enough to show up after all this time.

When I got out I put on some sweatpants and a white shirt and went downstairs.

I heard pots and the smell of bacon from the kitchen "Please let me just be crazy" I whispered to myself but unfortunately I wasn't. When I stepped in the kitchen Carter was there in front of the stove cooking
"I'm only gonna let you keep cooking because I'm hungry, not because I want you here" I said and he looked at me and nodded.

I sat down in-front of the island "Here" he gave me 2 pills and a cup of water "for your head" I happily took that and sat back in my chair "I thought last night was just a figment of my imagination"
"I know your mad but you have to give me a chance to a explain" I laughed "I don't HAVE to do anything Carter, we're not together"
"I'm trying to fix that" I rolled my eyes, I didn't want to hear anything from him "please don't bother, I have a boyfriend anyways" he turned to look at me "What's his name?"
I nodded "Ayana do you think I left for a year and didn't come back to check on you once?"
"You were keeping tabs on me?" He nodded and smiled at me "You don't have a boyfriend, so anymore lies you want to tell?" I can admit it was childish and a long shot that he would have believed me so I wasn't too surprised.

He handed me my plate and yes I tore that plate up "Well you can go now, thank you for the food" I said getting up and leaving the kitchen but of course he followed after me grabbing my arm stopping me from going upstairs "Just give me 5 minutes.. please" he said looking at me seriously "Please"
"What make you think I owe you that after all this time?" He just looked at me with those chocolate brown eyes I loved so much but I couldn't let him think he could just comeback and I was just gonna fall in his hands again "Carter you know that's not fair" I snatched my arm from him "You know you hurt me but you know how I feel about you...how I'll always feel about you and your crossing the line between asking and manipulating" he sighed looking down "This is too much for me right now, I just need time...please" he nodded and let me walk away.

It was hard seeing him especially how we left things but it was harder turning him away.

I hated him for making me fall in love with him, making me feel like I was special, and than leaving me like I was nothing more to him but a hook up and a quick fetish.

But I still loved him even after all of that.

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