"I think it's safe to say that she likes you to-"

We were interrupted by a gentle knock on the door. Y/N volunteered to open it as I began to put some of the flour into the bowl. I put my undivided attention to all the required measurements and ingredients that it needs. I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't even realize that it was no longer just the two of us.

"Lizzie!" Maya rushes forward, engulfing my body in a tight hug. "I've missed you so much."

I lowered myself to her level, carefully picking her up, "I've missed you more little one." I booped her nose, making her giggle.

"Y/N said you're making Christmas cookies. Can I help decorate when it's done?" Her eyes sparkled with excitement, waiting for my answer.

"Of course you can little bear." I planted a few kisses on her face making her squirm. Her soft giggles fill my heart.
"In the meantime, why don't you hang with me for a little bit while Lizzie prepares the ingredients." Y/N carried the little one in her arms, tilting her a little bit so it would look like she's flying. "Off to the living room we go!"

Maya cheered happily, their laughter more than enough to make me feel the happiest person alive being in the same room as them. Every once in a while, I would look at them for a split second and it would always cause a sense of happiness in my heart. I've always adored how nurturing Y/N gets with Maya and the bond they have is truly something beautiful. One day, we will have one of our own.

After putting the cookies in the oven, I joined the two in the living room, who's too busy watching a movie to even notice my presence. As soon as I sunk into the couch next to Maya, their attention all went to me. They smiled in unison before diverting their full attention toward the screen. In all honesty, I couldn't bring myself to pay any attention to the movie because their soft murmurs to each other about what's happening in the movie was more entertaining to me. At one point, they ended up falling into a pit of laughter and it warmed my heart that I could've sworn that I teared up a little bit. I took a mental picture in my head, and I know that despite not being able to see the memory in person, it would always live in my head. I would always remember a moment so simple, yet heartwarming.

Eventually, the cookies were done baking. I let it cool off for quite some time before we could put any icing so it wouldn't melt. As soon as I told them that it was done, they rushed into the Kitchen like children. We started decorating the cookies with Christmas songs playing in the background. Y/N and Maya are so into decorating their cookies to perfection that they didn't pay me any attention at all. I took no offense to it, but simply lived in the moment.

Every once in a while, I would catch myself stopping all movements just to stare at their cute interactions because it was too pure to let it pass by. I think it's safe to say that this is one of my absolute favorite moments. After decorating all the cookies, we 're finally done.

"Alright team, I think this is cause for some hot chocolates as a celebration for how great these turned out." Y/N gave the two of us cheerful high-fives before grabbing two cups from the cabinets.

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