Turn Me On

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Turn Me On by Kevin Lyttle



It's been exactly five days since my dinner with Lizzie and I haven't heard from her since. I shot her a text here and there but I'm afraid that it might seem like I'm bothering her so I didn't push it. The last text she sent me was after I had dropped her off, thanking me for being such a great company. After that, it was silent on her end. But, according to articles and social media, she's busy doing press tours for the new marvel movie, Infinity War.

I chose to push all the negative thoughts away and decided to get a good workout in the gym. Today is leg day, my favorite day so it could be fun. I start by doing three rounds, fifteen reps of sumo squats, single-leg romanian deadlift, kettlebell swings, and hamstring curls as a warm up. After getting the blood in my legs pumping, I moved on to do the leg press, 250lbs to tone my legs further. I did pretty much the same exact routine I always do every time it's leg day but I added a few more reps than last week. For a cool down, I spent half an hour in the sauna to relax the muscles I used for today. I'm definitely going to be sore tomorrow.

When I finally came back from the gym, I threw my gym bag to the floor before making my way to my dresser to choose a comfier outfit to wear after my shower. I wasted no time before rushing inside the bathroom to exhume all of this sweat away from my body. I set the temperature on medium heat simply because I don't like taking cold showers.

After my fifteen minute shower, I turned on my television with an apple and peanut butter resting on my coffee table as a snack for lunch. Since I don't work until five pm today, I decided to have a relaxing afternoon before I have to work. I surf through disney plus, trying to find something good to watch. While searching, I landed on marvel's Civil War and instantly my mind thought of her. I don't even know why I'm contemplating as to whether or not I should watch it, but I did anyway. I press play, a little too excited to see her invade my screen.

Every once in a while, I would find myself smiling like an idiot when she appears on the screen and it's kind of embarrassing. I would smile so wide for so long that my jaw would start to hurt. The scene where she does her infamous head tilt toward Clint comes and oh my god my heart exploded. She looks so fucking attractive. I could not bring my eyes to look elsewhere. All the things I could do to her if she was mine. Realizing that I had a dirty thought about her, I slapped my forehead in annoyance. I can't possibly be thinking about this. By the end of the movie, I came to the conclusion that I am simp for Wanda Maximoff.

The rest of my hours consisted of nothing but a power nap before indulging myself into my email and paid my bills. It's pretty boring but the music playing in the background was more than enough to keep me company. Eventually, it was time to go to work. I did my usual check up on my equipment, making sure they all work for tonight. It's freebie night, meaning that I'm not playing anything specific like what I did a few days ago with EDM night. Per usual, I made sure to choose a great amount of hype songs, throwbacks, and reggae songs to get the crowd going. It's Friday night so I know for a fact that it's going to be packed with people trying to escape the stressful week they had.


My assumption was right. The club is way too packed and people are already wasted. No Hands by Waka Flocka Flame started playing and the crowd instantly cheered, falling into a sing-alongs with their friends. This is one of my hype songs, I too, was having just as much fun as the people beneath me.

"She said look ma' no hands
She said look ma' no hands
And no darling I don't dance
And, I'm with Roscoe, I'm with Waka
I think I deserve a chance
I'm a bad mothafuckaf'" I sing along, doing my little dance-hand gesture with a drink in my hand. I probably look like a fool but I couldn't care less. I'm having way too much fun and that's all that matters.

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