I Melt With You

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I Melt With You by Modern English



I didn't think that my day would start like this. The next thing I know is that I find myself in line to the amusement park with Maya in my right hand while Lizzie is standing right beside me. I couldn't contain the amount of excitement inside of me while I'm waiting for the lady to scan our ticket.

As soon as we made it inside, Maya pulled me toward one of the concession stands. Her eyes sparkle as she's bouncing up and down with so much excitement.

"Can we please get those?" Maya pointed toward the fairy hats. "Please?" Her eyes fluttered with so much hope. I can't say no to this. She looks like a lost puppy, so I confided in her.

I purchased all three of us fairy hats. I assist Maya with her pink hat, I give Lizzie her lilac hat, while I wear my baby blue.

"Look, we're all fairy princesses!" Maya cheers, jumping up and down with so much energy. I still don't understand how kids could have so much energy in them. I'm always exhausted.

"Yes, we are little one." Lizzie says with a smile, picking her up and clinging her against her arm. "What do you want to do first?"

"I want to ride the carousel!" Maya claps excitedly.

"In the carousel we go!" Lizzie cheers, tilting Maya a little bit so it would look like she's flying.

I couldn't help but admire the way Lizzie is with Maya. The way she's acting is so natural and very nurturing. It's like she doesn't even need to try. I bite my lip as I realize that I'm left standing like an idiot in the middle of the pathway.

"Hey, you coming?!" Lizzie yelled from the line.

I hook up with the two, mumbling an excuse and sorry as I clash against a few people. I gaze my attention toward Lizzie who is busy whispering something into Maya's ear. I furrow my eyebrows in question, wondering what they are talking about. As soon as it was our turn, I helped Maya hop on top of the horse, making sure that she's buckled up securely. Fortunately for us, there were two other horses near her so we didn't have to be far away from her.

"You need help getting on?" I asked Lizzie jokingly.

"Haha, very funny." She rolled her eyes at me, sticking her tongue out playfully.

I shook my head in amusement before getting on the saddle. The ride starts and almost instantly, Maya erupted into a pool of laughter as the carousel slowly turned clockwise. It warms my heart at how much she's enjoying the ride. Lizzie reaches over to grab her little hand and they do the wave. I laugh in amusement, enjoying their witty ways. Lizzie looks at me for a quick second, flashing me an adorable smile before continuing on with her playful ways with the little one. Even with the simplest smile, somehow it managed to make me feel so ecstatic. I will never get used to this feeling.

After the ride was over, I took it upon myself to carry Maya into my arms. Every once in a while I would bounce her up and down gently, earning a cute giggle from the younger one. My eyes land on a cute, fluffy unicorn. I stop on my tracks, examining the game I have to do to win it.

"You want that over there?" I pointed toward the unicorn and she nodded instantly. "I'll win it for you then little one."

We jog toward the game. I gently lower Maya back to the ground before paying the man with my ticket.

"I just have to make five consecutive shots in one of those hoops?" I asked him and he nodded in answer. I glance back toward Lizzie and Maya, who are watching me intently. "Give me a good luck kiss, please?" I asked the little one, which she gladly confided in. I smile at the contact, before making my way back to the stand.

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