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Freaks by Surf Curse



It's a little weird being back to work after being gone for about a month. Everything about the equipment that I've worked with all seemed brand new to me like I have no clue how to use any of it. But, thanks to muscle memory, everything came rushing back to me the second I started working.

With no warning whatsoever, I started having flashes of my past couple of weeks with Lizzie. It made me and my heart smile like an idiot. Things have been great lately and I feel like we're at the point of our relationship where I could ask her to marry me and without a doubt, she would say yes. Just like waves crashing to the shore, I begin to think of our future together. It was like a movie playing in my head, I saw us together in bed having a harmless argument about food to eat for the rest of the week. It's making my heart flutter like crazy.

"What the fuck are you smiling about bitch?" I turn to my left, seeing Rosie coming up to my booth. "It's blinding me."

"Well, hello to you too." I rolled my eyes at her. "But, if you must know, I've had the greatest couple of weeks of my life, so yeah."

"Ugh, it's disgusting watching you get all sappy and in love." Rosie pretended like she was about to throw up.

"You're just being salty because no one is in love with you." I fired back. "You had Atticus but your dumbass decided to friendzone him because you're afraid of being in too deep; whatever the fuck that means."

Rosie threw her head back in disbelief, "Well damn. Attack me, why don't you."

"If you can't take the heat, get the hell out of the kitchen." I chuckled, dragging songs into a folder in my work computer.

"Whatever, whore." Rosie scoffed. "But anyway, there's a halloween costume party I'm hosting two weeks from now. You and Lizzie should come. She can dress as Scarlet Witch and you can either be Vision or Black Widow. Probably Black Widow though because your dumbass would look like a rotten tomato."

I shook my head at her playful antics, "I hate your stupid ass. But anyway, we're in. I'm pretty sure Lizzie would be down to go."

"Great, well just let me know as soon as possible."

I nodded before indulging myself with the tasks needed to get done before opening.

"Oh, and before I forget to ask, is it true that you changed shifts?"

"Yes, I did."


"Rebecca was getting in the way of my relationship and since we're working on the same shift, I changed. I saw that working with her bothered my girlfriend, so I had to do it. For her."

"Aww, that's sweet. Props for you for prioritizing your relationship. I could never." Rosie laughed, fanning herself.

"I know." I agreed with her.

"Wait, doesn't Michael's old shift schedule only pays him like roughly $500?" Rosie mentioned. "I know you told me like four months ago that your student loan is piling up. I'm not judging you or anything, but I was just wondering since you seemed pretty stressed about it."

I nodded, listening to her intently.

"Does Lizzie know about this?" Rosie asked, genuinely concerned. She means well, I know that.

"No, and I'm not planning on telling her." I told her. "I don't want her to feel guilty about the change so it's better if she doesn't know about any of it."

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